This is us: Jester and CecePeach, Jester is my beau! He is a sweet guy and I am his peach.

We met over the internet two years ago!
Here is our Story....

This is our newest baby, Obie Juan-Kanobi. He is the sweetest, most obnoxious, rambuctious little puppy. He is one year old now. His birthday is March 27, 1999.

This is Georgie Bunny. He is a sweet little bunny foo foo. He gives bunny kisses and licks. He likes to hop around and jump from the couch to the floor. He loves his treats and gets his poop scooped every day!! Georgie's birthday is October 19, 1995

Meet Mr. Isaiah Matthew. The one and the only, and he knows it. He likes his milk in the morning and tuna at night. He will only sit on your lap if he can stick his butt in your face. He likes to drink his milk by the fish tank. Go figure. Isaiah's birthday is July 31, 1991

Oh, My Peaches Marie! She is something else. Now Peaches will start limping if you hurt her feelings. She is very sensitve and gets her feelings hurt really easily if you make fun of her. And she likes to play footsies with daddy. Peaches' birthday is October 7, 1994

Miss Sierra Marie is the boss of them all. She is the leader and keeps everyone inline. She does not like any horseplay(or is that dogplay?) in her pack. She is the MOST loyal. She would protect me from anything! Sierra's bithday is October 7, 1994

And last, but not least my jackie boy: Jumpin' Jack. Jack is a loner. He likes to hang back and view all the commotion. He is not one to join unless you say "Park"....then, well....he is crying to go!! Oh- yeah and don't say "GO" either. Jack has been a very faithful old friend. He has practically raised me. He is my good ol' buddy. Jack's birthday is April 17, 1991