She was big. No question about it. Size 12 feet.
Broad hips. Big belly. Generous breasts. Wide shoulders. Big smile too.
Even her voice was big, her laughter full
and rich, capable of filling an auditorium.
Some things fit, most didn't.
She searched for chairs without arms, hard to find
in most places where the chairs cut into her back and sides. She eyed every couch before she sat down,
gauging its worthiness and her ability to rise
gracefully from it.
She asked for seat belt extensions and the window seat
when she flew so her bulk wouldn't intrude too much on
her neighbor. Once, when she traveled to Europe, she was stuck in the middle of five seats in the middle section of the plane. The whole long trip, she sat with her arms folded across her stomach and tried not to take up too much room. She woke up, every now and then, and from the looks of the people around her, she knew her snore was big enough to drown out the sound of the movie.
She took up space. Lots of it. She was too big for most rooms, she thought, and so she found ways to be on the edges, not in the center, as if people wouldn't notice.