<BGSOUND SRC="/jlkangel/userfiles:/user/icanfly.mid">
~Web Rings~
Music and Graphics
This Mothers With Angels Web Ring
This~Mothers With Angels Web Ring
is owned by Linda Kelley
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This ~Till We Meet Again~ Net Ring
is owned by

Linda Kelley
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This RingSurf Net Ring
is owned by
Linda Kelley.
~ My Parents Are Survivors ~ 
~ Keeping our children's memories alive ~
Member of:
Circle of Light


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©  Use permission granted
   This is where I have picked up most of my music midis.
   Many of my backgrounds have come from this wonderful site.  I don't know what is up with Janis' site~it does not seem to be linking~I don't know if she has moved~but I want to still give her crdit for many lovely graphics and backgrounds.
   Create your own backgrounds at this site.
   This is a great site to find angel graphics, and tons of others.
Two Years/Three Years/ Four Years/ Five Years
Memorials / A Girl and Her Dog / Only A Mother's Love
Christmas In Heaven / National Children's Memorial Day
On Angel's Wings/An Awesome Dream /Stairway To Heaven
Jenni Today/Jenni's Garden/ No Drugs*No Alcohol/Testimony and Tribute
Bereaved Parent's Wish List/ Forever Young/A Letter From Jenni
To Jenni's Room/Jenni's Birthday/Poems To Jenni/ Sports
Clouds/Pennies From Heaven/ If I Knew
   Jenni's Guestbook   
I Love You Jenni