Automatic Writings
Connie's Web

These writings are automatic and inspirational. They begin by the guides placing words in my head, when I am not fully awake, after a few sentences the spirit guides take over and I am left not having a clue as to what they have written about. Come morning it usually dawns on me after my first cup of coffee that I was up in the night so I go and check out what has been written. Fortunately, I always find the work in the same file otherwise it would surely be lost a good long while. Please feel free to use these writings but keep them in context and accept whatever truths you find here.Accept as truth, only that which feels right in your heart.
Please e-mail any subject matter you would like to have addressed on this page. EMAIL ME



April 6/99

Reincarnation, Renewal or Cycles of Life?

We would like this evening to address the subject of reincarnation. We ask only that you consider the possibilities of this often controversial subject. It is a subject that has in the past most certainly been the cause of many disagreements and heated discussions, it is a personal sense that each individual feels. Have I been here before? Will I come again? Is there another exactly like me elsewhere in the universe? And of course there are many who give the subject of reincarnation no thought what so ever because they know that they exist only in the here and now. Accept what ever you read and find to feel possible. We ask for nothing more.

For all of those who think, who feel and who sense the life force within, we wish to relate to you the facts. In reality you are all quite correct in your assumptions. Impossible you say? Allow us please the time to explain, by example the facts. The facts as proven by the scientific communities, that there exists renewal of everything upon the earth plane. We will use for the purposes of referral and visualization the formation of rain clouds. We know that moisture forms on particles of dust, becoming H20, water. As simple element containing two hydrogen and one oxygen. The oxygen having a positive factor of plus two, needs two hydrogen particles of negative one each, to become the balanced substance, we know as water. We can not see these substances with our naked eyes but science has proven and seen for us and we know this to be true. So we accept the fact that hydrogen and oxygen condense upon tiny particles of air born dust to create water.

Entertain us for a moment and liken this scenario to the conception of human life. The coming together of two separate substances which in turn create a different and unique element. As the forming droplet of water increases in size and density, it becomes heavy and falls from the sky. It may fall to the earth as rain, sleet or snow but it is none the less hydrogen and oxygen clinging to a particle of dust. Within this raindrop is a microscopic world, that science has shown us. A magnificent complex little galaxy, which is unique. Protons, neutrons and electrons orbiting about in a startling similar way that to our own solar system, but in a much large scale. Consider this falling droplet of rain as birth. If you are uncomfortable with the visualization of a human life, then use an animal life form. But please bear with us and follow along. This drop of water then touches the earth. It may arrive in the frozen tundra, perhaps a dessert, your front lawn or a mountain top…. simulating the conditions of the birth.

It has now become real to you because you can now hear see and feel the rain that has manifested itself into your reality. It is now time for this tiny droplet to begin life upon this planet. Where it lands and makes its home will be unique unto it. The droplet itself is as unique as a snowflake, no two exactly the same. Outwardly to the human eye, they may appear identical but from the time they fell from the sky and entered the earth plane, they become individual, special, one of a kind.

Just as does, each human and animal possess a character, appearance, temperament and skills that are never combined exactly the same, so too does our droplet. It is time to begin the journey of life and the little rain drop is eager to learn, to touch and to move, and so it does just that, it seeps into the soil and gets to know its new home. It begins to meet with other droplets and move about in small groups, wiggling it’s way through this life much as does a toddler. Continuing the experience it joins with others and becomes a small group, which we ask you to visualize as a play school. A small class of toddlers, learning to trust themselves and their judgments. Expressing the colors that bring them joy, the energy of others and slowly moving away from the place they first called home.

This class of water droplets then grows and unites with other droplets to becomes a pond, where each individual droplet continues to exist as a distinct individual but at the same time also takes on the experiences and travels of all the others in the class. Thus continuing it’s life learnings. The indentation of the earth that hold this class, might be describes as elementary school. The earth having been here much longer and having experienced the earth conditions, it too, can begin to blend and impart its knowledge to the youngsters.

Very soon the class size increases and the time has come for some to graduate into a stream and as these droplets continue their movement past the tiny pebbles and leaves, they accumulate more and more knowledge. They see more sights and continue to share their experience with the others. They are growing, they are learning and beginning to really experience what life is all about now. They are elementary students of the planet and at times will feel the pains of growing up. Perhaps the fallen tree and the sounds of the chain saws, perhaps the toxic wastes produced by the human species. They will experience the warmth of the sunshine in the summer and the icy wrath of winter’s winds. Along the way some will evaporate, some will be absorbed into root systems but throughout the journey what one feels and senses, they will all feel and sense. The beauty and the pollution will touch the heart of each droplet. And those that go missing, shall be missed and remembered for what their personal experience in this life, however short, gave to the group.

The river begins to rage… This can only be compared to high school, don’t you think? The troops march onward toward maturity, bustling with energy and aspirations. Becoming aware of what they have learned thus far and analyzing that knowledge among themselves and individually. They have learned so much in such a short span of time. They have come so far. They begin to know deep within that much of what they have been taught and have learned is useless, is unpleasant, is against the very freedom they long for with.

And the river continues to flow, onward. The teenager becomes and adult. The river broadens and becomes calm, flowing gently now toward it’s destination. A sense of impending peace is sensed, each droplet knows it, it knows it’s purpose is nearing. It longs to become totally at peace in adulthood. Still that restlessness rears its head occasionally as we see the river’s rapids, white water spraying forth. Some of which is lost to the earth, some of which fly dangerously high into the air, crashing back into the group, never to be quite the same, yet joyful for having had the experience of flight and to have learned from it. Group discussions become commonplace among the river dwellers and it is agreed upon by most that what they have been taught thus far in life, is useless information that they will never put to practical use. However it is also agreed by most that it wasn’t what they learned that was the important factor. It was that they were able to learn, able to discern, able to experience the good and bad and finding their own personal gifts and joys along the journey. They agree to disagree on many things, yet they continue life’s journey together, still sharing lessons, still traveling together. Tributaries join them and a blending of experiences occurs. Some of the tributaries carry droplets very foreign to the mass, yet they all know that each foreign droplet has a story to tell a lesson learned to share.

The river becomes calm. All the little droplets can sense a time of relaxation, of calming acceptance and appreciation for one an other. They can now retire, to a certain degree, the vibrancy and restlessness of their youth, put to rest. They have at last reached the sea. Memories and lessons learned. They now have the time and the patience to put their feet up occasionally and gaze skyward. And as they do, they see the newly arrived droplets, in pure and innocent form, descending from the skies… and a longing stirs within. A desire to impart warnings of hazardous travels that will greet the newcomers, a desire look back upon their own lives with relish and joy as they relive the past though the eyes of these youngsters.

It is a wonderful time to be a aging raindrop. Wonderful because each one knows that they did their very best, they traveled the rivers course from beginning to end and …saw some beauty along the way. Oh there was loses along the way but, too, there were many gains, much to be thankful for. And by this time in life, the little raindrop has become aware of a feeling deep inside. A tiredness that is laced with peace and tranquillity. A gentle pulling around the heart that comes with a knowing that they are soon going home and the first little droplet, rises up to the surface, the air touches it and welcomes it homeward.

There are changes occurring once again as the raindrop briefly recalls this sensation that is engulfing it. Wrapped in warmth and love, it reaches upward. It recalls the heaviness of it’s birth and the unfamiliarity back when, it first touched the earth. NOW, lighter and wiser, filled with more compassion and wisdom, the little droplet goes home. Home to the sky, home to where it’s beginnings where realized. And it’s arrival is met with great celebration, the joining of old friends and family, the sharing of memories. The whole is one again and all in this oneness is greater for the journey of one tiny raindrop.

So I ask you to consider renewal, rebirth, reincarnation.

Ask yourselves in a moment of stillness…… later today or next week.

Will another come to this earth , exactly like me?
With the same appearance, the same personally, with identical past experiences?
Is that possible having been part of the whole, after experiencing the light?
Perhaps the old saying "When God made you He broke the mold" is accurate, and that too is a pleasant thought,
I will sign this as Connie Wilson, because I am aware of at least four minds/spirits here with me and they are not giving me their names. 



March 1998


It’s 4 AM and I have been asked to get up and write about aliens of all things. These guides of mine… I don’t know about their sense of humor, but here goes.

You need not question our sense of humor little one for as sure as you sit here, we do embrace a good laugh, but the question of life other than of your own in the universe is very often the topic of discussions and we would like the opportunity to address that subject. You yourself have said that you felt it would be rather conceited of mankind to imagine that they were the only beings in the universe. So we would like to say that we agree with your thoughts.

As you know as far back in ancient times as records reach, there have been speculations, drawings and sightings of life forces other than that of human beings as you know them. You yourself see us, your sprit workers and you also see and sense loved ones of others. So it is not far fetched to understand that people millions of years ago also saw as you do.

Imagine an ancient civilization that saw beings of light such as ourselves or the loved ones of a different race and culture of people. Most certainly it would be very alien to them in those times. Not to say that life does not exist in other galaxies, universes, planets or spheres but only to make a point that not all that is seen and recorded is as it was understood to be. Today’s civilization is, it seems to us, preoccupied with the notion that little gray men are come to take over the planet and such is not the case….Great Eagle

March 1998

Body and Soul

The human spirit and soul is a complex device, far too complex to explain totally but most people are aware that they possess two bodies. The physical and the spirit body. The spirit body is always eternal, it never dies but it does depart from the physical body when the body is no longer alive (as you think of it), for the physical body is like a vase that allows a space within for the spirit.

Just as your physical body is attached by an umbilical cord within the womb so to is the spiritual body attached to the Creator by a cord. A much different cord indeed for it is not visible to the physical eye in most cases, but a cord non the less. This cord is most often referred to as the Silver Cord and it is the means by which you arrive into the physical body as well as the means by which you return home. And so your physical body is attached in the womb and your spiritual body is attached to the God source, and very simply put the two reside within each other.

The spiritual body and personally is your own, unique in every way just as is your physical body. Your memories and character traits are mirrored between the two. And when the time arrives for the transformation known as death you take with you all the good and bad that you have experienced in this life, all the memories, every little detail. You do not pass into the world of spirit and suddenly, grow wings and realize a talent for the harp. You still have your same talents, although now they can be embellished greatly. You still have your same interests and you still love and care for the same people, pets and hobbies that you cared for when on the earth plane. You also bring with you all your bad points, all the negative thoughts and actions of your life time. If you have lived a good and generous life, your passing into sprit will be a joyous celebration. If not, then you will have some work to do upon your arrive here. But be aware that you are never alone and we here who love you are always at your side to assist you and to give you the strength, guidance and love that you need and deserve……Running Deer.

February 4,1998

Life Lines ...

There is a misconception about life….about birth…about death. There exists a feeling of helplessness, of loneliness and of lack of guidance and love.

When you arrive to the earth plane, you are not some free floating spirit wandering aimlessly in search of an existence. You are in fact securely attached to the God force and accompanied by your Spirit Guide (Gaurdian Angel) the entire time and your destination has been arranged and agreed upon. During journey to your mother’s womb, the journey throughout your earth life and the journey back home to God, you are never alone. In the womb you are attached by an umbilical cord and for approximately nine months you are nurtured and learn to adjust to the earth’s energies. At this same time you are also still attached to God by way of what is known as the Silver Cord.

We all have two bodies, the physical body which we can see and feel and the spiritual body which is not visible but is linked to the physical body. Whether it is our birth or our death, one of the cords must be severed when we enter into our new existence. When we die, the cord linking the physical body to the spiritual body is cut ,in much the same way as the umbilical cord is cut during birth. At that time we have no more use of the physical body, while the spiritual body then becomes our vehicle. Death usually comes like sleep, without pain. We awake to find ourselves unchanged. We no longer need material things but we are still the exact same personality, still a unique individual, without change. You do not sudden acquire the wisdom of the ages, nor are you suddenly pure and free from faults. You are the same, complete with the same virtues and faults that you had before the transition known as death.

If you have lived a good life and tried your best to help your fellow human beings, then you have no reason to fear death. On the other hand, if you have lived a selfish life, you may want to consider changing your ways, for the Laws of Cause and Effect tell us that for every action there is a reaction and we therefore make our own happiness or unhappiness as we choose to obey or disobey these Natural Laws. Acts of goodness and compassion will increase our spiritual rewards while acts of omission will naturally retard our rewards. We make our own Heaven or Hell even now, so the choice is our own. Always the Spirit World is here, interpenetrating our own.

So those friends and loved ones that have made the transition are not living in some far off place, playing harps and sitting on clouds. They are often very close to us, giving us guidance and love just as they did when they were here in the physical.

Great Eagle

February 3,1998

There is a great and growing need for people to share and express their wisdom and talents. Each and every one of God’s children comes here to learn as well as to teach. God gives each of His children talents and abilities and it is our gift to God to discover and make use of our God given talents. We must all do and give what we are capable of, doing it with humble modesty and the knowledge that we may do something well but someone else may do the same thing better or differently.

Besides the gifts of talent and ability…. the good Lord gave us each obstacles, barriers, compulsions, addictions and various other vices. These less desirable gifts are given with great wisdom and love. Given to us so that we can learn and grow strong. So that we can be permitted to enjoy the opportunities to succeed and mature. Any one who has ever been a parent or even a pet owner, realizes the need for discipline and rules. For without any boundaries we are unable to discipline ourselves and without making errors we would never learn to learn.

When an individual has overcome a great obstacle in life, there is reason for celebration. For as the door is closed upon the obstacle, new opportunities always present themselves as God’s gift to you for your success. In order to go forward and continue your life’s journey, you must be able to let go of the past. Today the world has a great many groups and organizations which provide support and wisdom. When you have overcome your obstacle or addiction, you may decide to offer help to your fellow man in return for the help that saw you through hard times. Most certainly you are qualified and experienced in what ever field you have succeeded in and therefore you have the understanding and compassion needed to offer aid.

Always, it seems there will be people unable to let go of their pasts. It is one thing to know that you had a problem and overcame it, but it is another entirely different picture to constantly relive the problem. At some point in time, as you grow and become more spiritually enlightened, you will feel the desire to allow another, the pleasures of helping and counseling and you will have an overwhelming urge to discover new people, new interests. When you begin experiencing the need to move on, you may also experience guilt. You’ll feel that you are letting someone down by not being present at meetings and functions and so you may find that bowing out of these affairs needs to be done slowly. It is often difficult to allow people to take over for you. They may not appreciate it at first, but you need to realize that you are in fact doing them a great service by allowing them the opportunity to grow and strengthen themselves.

So I urge you to go with your heart and do the things that bring joy and satisfaction to yourself. Always there will be people, who feel the need to relive the past over and over. There is nothing wrong about it, they may well be helping others in doing so. It is just the path that they have chosen to walk in life, but realize that you too, can walk a path of your own choosing free from any guilt or stings attached. Very few people can spend the rest of their lives counseling and offering a helping hand to someone, without growing very weary of the task. That too ,is part of God’s Plan, to afford others the opportunity to give service and to reward those who have given service with new interests and desires. So always go with what your heart urges. There are billions upon billions of God’s children upon the planet and each one has something a little different to offer you. So I urge you to begin your journey of exploration and listen to your heart’s prompting.

You will never meet a soul that has nothing to offer. You will never look into the eyes of another by accident, for always there will be an opportunity to share wisdom, love, compassion and ideas. People are carefully placed along the road of life, there is no such thing as coincidence . Coincidence is just God’s way of remaining anonymous.

Great Eagle

January 1998
I should like to speak to you about death. Not really a surprising subject considering the line of work I am in, for without death, I would have no work.



Tonight as I lay in bed, desperately seeking sleep after having said my prayers of healing, I found it increasing difficult to shut down my mind. This happens to me whenever my spirit guides and workers have something they wish to relate and so, having had a wonderful meditation this evening, in which these fine beings informed me once again, that I would and should get started on the book I am supposed to write, I myself began to ponder what I should name this unwritten book. Candle in the Wind, came to mind, but I attempted to dismiss it, because it brought back a flood of memories of Elton John’s voice laden with sorrow and singing as if his heart would surely break only a few months ago, when Princess Diana was laid to rest. I argued for several minutes with my guides about this title. I am nothing like Princess Diana, I said, and fell to sleep...But about 2 AM, they insisted I rise from my warm bed and come to the keyboard and so here I sit and from here on I shall let them do the speaking.

The passing of the much loved Princess of Wales, shocked this planet. Her short life snuffed out, while what seemed to be a time when she was only just beginning to shine ever brightly and the love she so richly deserved was but a breath away. For as much good and charitable work that the Princess did on this earth plane, her presence and life here was but a mere wisp of fresh air, when compared to the effect her passing had on multitudes of peoples. Due to her life and death, the earth and every living thing upon it has realized a great and uplifting transformation.

In fact, if you will look back a month or two in your own lives, you will recall hearing something like this. "I can’t explain it, something has changed or I feel as if I am in a time warp or I’m floating at times." These sensations have been uttered around the world as of late and what could be responsible for this shift of energy….. Princess Diana’s death.

The news of the fatal accident in Paris shocked the world. That shock has changed this world. For when so very many peoples of different nationalities, different races, different creeds and many different walks of life, all joined in mourning Diana’s passing, the energy that encompasses this planet was changed forever more. Compassion poured forth for her family. Admiration was expressed for her charity towards mankind. People’s hearts opened wide and allowed their loving wishes to be expelled, like a powerful force, the compassion filled the atmosphere and the vibration of the atmosphere was heightened by several degrees. Never before had such a tremendous amount of prayers and thoughts been release simultaneously by so many, never before had the earth seen such great change. And so, can you not see, that Diana’s death was more important for all of mankind than her actual life?

Diana came to us here, to what many call the other side or beyond the veil, hours prior to the actual physical detachment of her earthly vessel, she was shown the effect of her passing and all the good that would result from her life and her death. The final decision, was of course her own to make and there was no hesitation on her part to make it. For she was also shown, that her caring and compassionate works could be continued from the spirit realms. With the release of love and compassion that occurred for Diana, another servant to the poor and downtrodden was also rewarded for her untiring duties here on the earth plane. "God’s Plan is flawless" as Mother Teresa often declared and now we here in spirit, are filled with joy to have two more dedicated caring individuals join us ,to continue the work…… To fulfill the Plan.

Death is tragic for those of you left behind, of this we understand, all too well. When it occurs, you feel such immense loss and pain. At the time you are unaware of all the compassion and love that is released by those who love and care for you, but we here are not, for much more love always goes out than pain. The awareness that your loved ones are able to draw near, to communicate, to laugh with you, and to provide comfort to you, is in itself a great blessing and with the elevated energy that this planet now enjoys, allow me to reassure you that many more great blessings are forthcoming.

I offer my humble thanks for your time and pray that your own candle continue to burn brightly through the winds of your lifetime.

Gray Eagle ( Gray Eagle is not a name I am familiar with. I know of a guided called Great Eagle, but on this particular night I was aware of 3 guides being present. Two were of Native American cultures and the other Egyptian... I guess this will remain a gray area for me for a while.) 


It is common knowledge today that all things are made up of energy. Protons, neutrons, the positive and negative forces at work in every grain of sand, every cell and organism. The chair on which you sit is energy, vibrating atoms at various speeds. Energy makes up the air we breath, the food we eat and thoughts we think.

Of all the many, many energies in existence, truly "LOVE" is by far the most beautiful and radiant found on the planet. Love is also the most powerful and sustaining. Love can overcome atomic bombs, warring countries, starvation… and the list goes on and on. The love of a child or a pet, love of nature and love of freedom of thoughts are simplistic examples of love, love that someday will cover this planet in a warm high vibration of peace and tranquillity.

It will be a long awaited peace…. A heaven on earth. It will occur and it will occur because of each and every one of you. Yes, you will make a difference, you will make the change, by your very thinking process and your acts of kindness. The more we stifle negative thinking and replace those thoughts with positive ones, the more we as a whole are enabled to change for the better.

To worry about things that have not yet occurred and may never occur, is to draw near to you the negative things, that you chose to worry about in the first place. To realize and accept this fact is to heighten our own vibrations and in doing so we improve ourselves and the world around us.

Seems everyone knows a worrier. A worrier excuses the act of worrying by calling it caring, but this is a dilution on the part of the worrier. Self pity and martyrism also come into play for the highly developed worrier and so, to all of us who are aware of the negative energy the worriers are releasing into the earth’s atmosphere, I ask of you this; pray for these fellow beings to be surrounded in love and light. Ask your God, who ever He may be to send healing to them.

To know and care for people that are worriers is admittedly a tough row to hoe and if you get the opportunity to speak with them about energy and its effects, you must do so. Take every opportunity to stifle their fears, leave the room for a moment… say a little prayer. It will work wonders! With love and patience on your part, attempt to aid these disturbed individuals. The ultimate change must come from within themselves and that is where your healing thoughts and prayers will be directed from those of us in spirit who work in the healing arts.

Our auras show every thought and deed we have ever had and done. Be it good or bad, there is no hiding place within our auras. There is no one alive who has not done some shameful act, treated another with contempt or perhaps placed conditions on our love. As human beings you are given the opportunities to make countless errors in your lifetime. This is so, so that you may be given the opportunity to learn from your errors and the more learned the better you become, the more loving you become, the more mature you become.

Our energies attract other people in much the same way as a moth is attracted to a flame. Those in need will search endlessly until they find what they need. They may not accept what they find at the time they find it, but they will always remember it. It may be decades before the soul you attempted to aid returns to find the very wisdom or light that has always been awaiting their return. Your future world and the next depends on your ability to show compassion and wisdom to your fellow beings. Live by example and walk in light and your path will unfold before you as it should.
Great Eagle

March 1997


Harmony is an attainable state for all of us. When our bodies, minds and souls achieve harmony, we discover that a feeling of ecstasy at the simplest of pleasures becomes a reality. For those of us in the world of spirit this state of being is the norm. For those upon the earth this feeling of harmony is a longing, a distant memory brought with you when you chose this life. You have all experienced harmony of the body, mind or soul at various times through out lifetimes upon the earth. But only now may you achieve all three in harmony. In the past you may for example have been a servant of God… in whatever capacity or belief system, you undoubtedly had complete and total harmony of the soul as you lived and breathed your belief system. You would not however had, had the pleasures of free thinking, of knowledge attained from whatever source you chose. In days long past you were taught what to believe and to believe without question.

Your bodies may have been free of pain or disease, but you may have been a slave in society’s expectations and unable to enjoy the use of your vessel to the fullest. Can you imagine a time when it might have been a death sentence to simply stroll near a babbling brook with a good book or to travel to far and distant lands that may have intrigued you? As the 21st Century approaches we are all becoming more and more aware of our own capabilities and desires. We are able to think freely, take advice if we so choose and discern what feels correct for ourselves.

To achieve a state of total harmony of mind, body and soul, one must resign themselves to the fact that patience and persistence will be needed. I hear some say things like "My body has such damage hat the medical profession has given up on me and says I will never function normally." This simply is not so my friends, with persistent care and personal responsibility for your own well-being, optimum health can be achieved. It is no different to say that one’s mind can never function in a positive and clear thinking format, for most certainly it can.

The impoverished soul that sinks to depression and thoughts of unkind acts also can turn itself about face with persistence and patience . But like all other goals in life, one must be willing to do so. There is no magic pill, no elixir or miracles from the heavens coming to save you, when you are quite capable of saving yourself. This may sound rather heartless to the multitudes who suffer from disharmony and it is not meant to do so. Simply accept the many methods available to you and learn. Learn to change old habits, old ways of thinking, your care of the body you were given and most importantly learn to love yourself enough to change. When you improve your energies you will find yourselves drawn to more favorable, more spiritual and a much healthier lifestyle.

Our energies are paramount to achieving harmony in life. The negative thinker will inevitably fail to find happiness and good fortune. Negative energy is a force in itself and must be curbed. Your every thought is pure energy, the thinking of negative thoughts releases negative energy out into the universe, so if you have in the past thought that your own personal tragedies, pains and worries were yours and yours alone, be aware from this day forth that is not the case. The person who chooses to worry about every possible bad thing that could occur, by stretching the imagination to its very limits, is in fact inviting some of those concerns to occur. I stress the word chooses to worry, because it is a choice. A choice that has effects that can be very negative and unhealthy for the worrier and the worryee. If you know someone who is a worrier, try to talk with them about the benefits of prayer. Suggest that they give over their worries to a high power, one who has the power.

It is only when we as a mass come to the realization that prayer and controlled thoughts of positive basis can change the planet Earth, that all peoples throughout the world can truly heal and begin to prosper. It is up to each of us as responsible individuals to curb our addictions, cleanse our thinking patterns and joyously and without exception care for our fellow beings. By doing so words such as hunger, fear, failure, war, depression, cancer, sorrow, worry, aids and desire can be eliminated from this world. Can you imagine someday a dictionary existing that did not contain these words.
Great Eagle



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