In Touch With Spirit
Spiritual Healing
Automatic Writing

My readings begin with your palms and from there we see what the cards have to say. I use three types of cards; Sacred Path, Tarot and Medicine Cards. However if Spirit makes it’s presence know and is able to channel through me, we may not use the cards. Much depends on the receptivity and ease at which you yourself feel at the time. Most often during a reading I will sense a friend or relative, who is in spirit, drawing near to me and I will attempt to pass along any information I can from this person.

The "DEAD" are not! They are usually extremely anxious to let you know that they feel great, are aware of your life and wish to say hello. Their lives now are far more full and joyous than our own and if you can accept this truth, you will find that fear of death fades dramatically.

In addition, we all have Guardian Angels or Spirit Guides that are with us from the time of our birth and before. These highly evolved souls, whose sole purpose is your well-being, will sometimes show themselves and share a bit of wisdom with you. It is always a treat to meet these Souls, because they feel and look so wondrous. They are so vibrant, yet so humble. It is from your Guardian Angel that I receive knowledge about your health and general well-being. "Nobody loves you more than your Guardian Angels and God."




I feel that healing is a gift from God. I do not charge for healings, it is something that I love to do and am told it is one of my purposes in this life. My guides tell me that there are a great many people who can not afford the healers of today. So my motto is: Donations are accepted but certainly not expected.

I do several types of Healing. Foremost is SPIRITUAL HEALING. This is the use of energy from the God source or the Creator. The Spirit, who work through me, can see and feel your aura and the colors within it. By using light of magnificent spectrums of color, they are able to bring about change within your body. Often patients will tell of seeing beautiful colors or feeling a pulsating sensation. The energy either quickens the speed of body cells or it will calm and soothe the area. My Spirit Medicine People also tell me that they work on the soul, the spark of light that connects us with the All Mighty, because they say most healing starts from within.

I also do energy balancing and grounding. This involves 15-25 minutes of light relaxation and visualization on your part. I lead you into this light meditative state and open your chakras. Then I cleanse each energy center and balance them. This is a pleasant experience and one you can easily do at home.

Come and join my Spirit Guides and I, for a 45 to 60 minutes of news and views. The cost is $40.00 and I would be happy to tape your reading for you if you will bring along a 60 minute cassette tape of good quality.

Gift certificates for readings are available for $40. Please feel free to call me and ask any questions you wish about my work.

My goal during a reading is to give evidence of proof of survival after the transition know as death. I am not a fortune teller or a psychic hot line and I don't read minds. The work I do is very serious and done with a great deal of love.

Please call me at 1-250-746-7180 to make an appointment for your reading. You may get my answering machine so be prepared to leave your first name and phone number so that I may return your call.

Love and Light
Connie Wilson

I sit with a group of people in a healing circle. If you know of someone who is in need of healing prayers (absent healing or distant healing) please submit their name and their illness to me and I will be happy to pray for them. Also any change in their condition..... please let me know. Submit the patient's name as follows:

John Doe, Maple Bay, BC, illness-drug addiction
Jane Doe, Texas, USA, illness-brain tumor.



As much information as you can give me would be great.

All names are held in the strictest of confidences.

Please e-mail me
Submit for Healing 
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Some are done by Automatic Writing.
Go to Automatic Writings: A collection of short stories, written by my Spirit Guides 
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