The Leclair family website

( The website with a heart of gold.)

Once upon a time, in a little town called Holtyre in Northern Ontario, Canada, there lived a family called the Leclairs. A feisty French- Canadian crew of 4 sisters and 4 brothers, they've grown, produced children and grandchildren, and spread across Ontario & Canada.

Our site offers a glimpse of family history & a meeting place to share news, plans, pictures, whatever.

French was the language spoken at home, & all 8 brothers and sisters are fluently bilingual. Not so for the in-law (outlaw?) who started this site, (he can barely handle English) so we have only English content to start. French contributions are most welcome.

We also welcome your comments on our site, whether you're a Leclair, outlaw or curious surfer.
Email us and tell us what you think!

First,  please take a moment to Sign our Guestbook ,  & maybe View the Guestbook  .
So, what's new?  
NEW update: July 29: showers, wedding, babies, pool, pictures

News & views - ongoing log of family news     Site info - Finding your way around, etc
History and Trivia - old stories, new riddles The Baby Pool - Guess the size, win a prize!
The snapshot spot - picturing Leclair life Handy Tips  to make life easier
The family E-tree - Email links to online Leclairs Mr. Canoehead - Doug's canoe page
Links to interesting & related sites What stuff  to send for this site, & how

If you get lost, click on Back to Leclair home page at the top/bottom of  any page to get back to this starting point. If something on the site doesn't work properly for you, please notify us. Have fun, and bookmark!