The Baby Pool Page       Back to Leclair home page

I'm thinking that the burst of weddings we went through in the last couple of years is probably going to result in a lot of baby pool contests. That seems to be what's starting, anyway . Guess I'd better make this a general page, and leave space for lots of pools. Hmmm, and these French Canadians have pretty big families too... {grin}.  Maybe I should make these a 50/50 draw - award a 12 pack to the winner, and keep a 12 pack to cover administration of the pool?

Sue and Dan Bonsall's Pool

Seems to me this "due date" concept isn't an exact science. Think you can predict when the millenium munchkin will put in an appearance? The doctor says June 27, but  if you've ever sat in a doctors waiting room, you know they're not great at schedules. To get into this pool, Email me your guess at the date and hour. Let's stick to even hours when the big hand is at 12 to make it simpler. If I know Dan, there will be at least one "2-4" involved in this operation, so my guess is June 24, at  10 PM. Hmmm, maybe if someone in Timmins wins the prize (case of beer or equivalent) we should deliver it to Timmins, do some visiting, and bring back some picture for the website. I'm going out on a limb here, but I think Paulette might be heading up North around that time too.

   The new family member for Sue and Dan Bonsall arrived at 9:55 AM on Wednesday July 5. Bradley Bernard Bonsall weighed in at 8 pounds and 5 ounces, and was 19 and 3/4 inches long. Apparently mom was pretty tired afterwards, but very happy. Daddy Dan is quite protective, and hopes that Bradley will take after his uncles Neil and Dan in the height department. Let's see, we had a pool going on young Bradley's arrival time, didn't we. Looks like our winner is Yves, who was within 5 hours of the correct birth time. Mike and Sherri get second place since their guess was about 19 hours off, and third prize goes to Nat, who's guess came within 20 hours. Hmmm, notice that all the winners have gone through this "new baby" routine themselves recently. That sure seems to improve your prediction skills. I'm sure everyone joins me in wishing Sue, Dan & Bradley all the best (and in hoping that Bradley didn't inherit his dad's wacko sense of humour.)
This Date & Time   Has been guessed by                  
June 22, 8/9 AM Bob & Cecile Bonsall 
June 24, 10 PM Doug
June 25, 9 AM Da-da Dan
June 27, 4 AM Renata
June 27, 5 AM Paulette
June 28, 3 PM Carole
June 30, 7 AM Catherine (Toronto)
July 1, 5 PM Paul
July 4, 3 PM Mike & Sherri  <<<< 2nd Place
July 5, 5 AM Yves     <<<<<<<<< 1st Place
July 6, 6 AM Nat                      << 3rd Place

Mike and Sherri's Pool

Mike and Sherri's new baby girl, Kaileigh Nicole Leclair was born at 5:00 PM on December 6, 1999. She weighed 8 lb and 15 oz at birth, so our pool winner is... Dan Melancon. who arrives home from Thailand on Dec 18th. Second closest was the guess from Bert and Renata out west, and in third place was Paul, who snuck his guess in 2 days ago.

------------ The history:
I'm now accepting Email guesses on the birth WEIGHT, in pounds and ounces for the new family addition that Mike and Sherri Leclair are expecting on November 27. The traditional case of beer, or equivalent, is on the line. I suppose in the case of twins, sextuplets or whatever, we'll use the total weight.
This Weight   Has been guessed by                  
6 lb, 12 oz Nicole
7 lb, 2 oz Paulette
7 lb, 5 oz Hayley
7 lb, 6 oz Lindsey
7 lb, 7 oz   Christine
7 lb, 8 oz John (London)
7 lb, 9 oz Leo (presque papere)
7 lb, 10 oz Doug
8 lb, even Catherine Jane
8 lb, 1 oz John (Toronto)
8 lb, 2 oz Carole
8 lb, 4 oz Natalie
8 lb, 5 oz Yves
8 lb, 7 oz Paul -- 3rd place
8 lb, 8 oz Bert & Renata - 2nd place
9 lb even Dan Melancon -- The WINNER

Yves & Nat's Baby Pool

Think you can predict what the official length of Nat & Yves's baby will be when he/she is born? Some kind and generous (and extremely good-looking, I might add) person is offering a case of beer, or comparable beverage of your choice, for the closest guess. The guesses have to be in inches, to the nearest quarter inch, and none of that metric stuff.  (In the case of twins, triplets, etc we use the total length {grin} ). You register your guess by Emailing it to me - really easy, just click here and start typing! Here are the current entries:

July 6- The preliminary measurement is 20 1/2 inches, which makes Nicole the winner. Only last night was she claiming to be psychic. (Psycho, maybe). The runners up, who were only off by a quarter inch, are Ma Mere Carole, and Paulette. In third place, within a half inch, are La Mere Natalie and Catherine from Toronto. Its almost as if Natalie and Carole had an inside line on this wager?  Maybe I should award 12 packs for second place, and 6 packs for third?

Stop the presses - There seems to be some discrepancy between the preliminary measurement stated below, and a subsequent measurement quoted in an intercepted Email. There is an RCMP investigation (that's Really Controversial Measurement Pool) underway, and all awards are on hold pending the outcome. Stay tuned for more news as it happens.

OK, start the presses again. The official measurement is indeed 20 and a half inches, and Nicole has received her prize (no, not the beer). For more details, see the News & views section for Sept. 6
This Length Has been guessed by                  
18 Catherine Anne
18  3/4 Jennifer
19 Maureen
19  1/4 Dan M.
19  1/2 Denise
19 3/4 Doug
20 Catherine (Toronto)
20  1/4 Carole
20 1/2 Nicole (no beer 4 U !)
20  3/4 Paulette
21 Natalie
21  1/4 Johanne
21  1/2 Yves
21  3/4 Lindsey "tall girl" Elliott
22  1/2 John (Jean-Marie)
6' 1" Alfred E. Newman

Latest computer projection:   Fast heartbeat favours female firstborn
   (Just goes to show you - never believe a computer !)

(Nat, you might want to think about having this child at your local Pizza Pizza. You know their promise - delivery in 30 minutes or it's free)
   I hear it ended up taking more than 30 minutes for the actual delivery. I guess Nat was having so much fun, she wanted to make it last.

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