From the early days some 20+ years ago through the present, Bit O Luck Manchesters have had a major impact in the breed today. Whether producing loving companions for your family or champions in the show or performance rings....from whelping box to your loving family, your couch, bed, lap or show ring, our Manchesters have given us great pride. Bit 'O Luck has produced many champions over the years, both in our hearts and in the show rings. We're proud and honored to be a part of this wonderful breed - a breed that will always remain very dear to our hearts. A warm heartfelt thank you to all of you that have made and continue to make all of these things possible.....
~ Ace ~ Am. Can. Ch. Ambrick's Mr. Jazzman X Ch. Bit 'O Luck Black Bart's Anna
Click Left Photo for Pedigree Left: Group 4 Placement at 7 months of age under Judge Mildred Bryant First time out at Cornhusker K.C. Lincoln, NE - Nov. 21, 98
Right: Bit 'O Luck JazzAnna Ace - Best of Variety - 3 Point Major Judge Mildred Bryant - Cornhusker Kennel Club - November 21, 98
Ace is a beautiful naturally erect eared Manchester with beautiful structure and movement and is available for stud to approved bitches.
Bit 'O Luck
Manchesters ~ PROUD breeders of :
BIS Canadian/American
Champion Bit 'O Luck DemonMoon Mystic She May Be Gone, But She Will Always Be In Our Hearts! and Am./Can. Champion Bit 'O Luck DemonMoons Encore Am./Can. CGC Kathy Bradley ~ Owner/Handler (Click Devon's photo to visit WhirlWynd Manchesters)
Devon has been 'back home' since June 2000. It's great to have him close by so we can see him!!
Design and background by GysyRose Graphics � 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Headstudy is Can. Ch. Bit 'O Luck DemonMoon Mystic Please do not use the graphics on this site without persmission.