I would like to tell you about this silly dog we have. Her name is June, named after the month in which she came into our family. She is six 1/2 years old now. Smart as a whip and minds really well when it is just her and I. But, when dad is home, forget it. She does as she pleases.

In our house it is like Mama don't allow and Daddy does. So when Daddy is home June eats lunch at the table and begs for food with her cold pirecing stare and helps him in the kitchen. But, when Mommy is home June sits on the rug in the other room and watches. She never comes into the kitchen with me. I am the mean one you see.

If we go out to eat we usually bring her something, so you have a really hard time getting into the car or out of it, if she had to stay at home.
When she goes outside it is right to the car. She thinks that is the only thing to do in life, go for a ride. Sometimes Lee takes her for a ride around the block. Me, I say NO. She then pouts and goes to her bed in the garage.

June has her own chair. It is blue and is very comfortable. It was a pretty chair, now it is a very dirty chair. She sits in it while in the house. Sometimes the cushion lands on the floor because she curls up and manages to turn over in it. I have no idea how she does it, but she does. Her chair and DON'T try and sit in it because she will climb in behind you. Then you are on the floor, Or she is on your lap. What a spoiled brat.

She is really good about staying in the yard. She walks the edges of our property and makes sure nothing is out of place. She does not chase cars till one pulls in the driveway, then she chases them till they are off her property. She has a friend accross the road that is hardly ever tied up and he wanders all over the place. He comes over to play and then he leaves. She stands and pouts because she can't run around with him.

June's most favorite thing to do is go to the next door neighbor's after he has been fishing and roll in the fish yuckies. Make for a very fragnet aroma. YUCK, YUCK.

When we go kitty corner from here to visit with friends and Lee tells her to stay in the yard, (he he he), she follows. If I tell her to stay in the yard she lays in the drive till we come back. You see, Dad is not as demanding of her as I am. When I say no, it is no. When he say's no, it usually means OK. She knows who to go to. But, she also knows what I will let her get away with and what I won't. So if it is something she really wants bad, Dad is her salvation. She has him wrapped around her tail.

June's favorite thing in life at the moment is Garrett and his baby sister Keelan. June thinks they are all hers. She is like a Mom when they are here. She makes sure Keelan's face is always clean. She teaches Garrett how to stay away from the road when they are playing outside. When they go home she is so sad, she actually mops araound for a couple days.

Don't touch MY chair!!!!!

We also have a cat named Baby. Baby came to us about a week after June. It was around 3 am when she started to cry. We finally found her about 8 am when Lee looked in the window well. Baby was so tiny, I would say about 3 weeks old. She didn't know how to eat and was so scared that I ended up with a scratch about 5 inches long on my neck.

I went to the store and bought some litter and a pan. We put her in it for a couple days with a shirt of Lee's and some water and kitten chow. I would take her out a few times a day to teach her to eat. That was hard as I never had to do that before. But I found out if you stick their little paw in the milk that they will lick it clean. So, from then on I put her foot in the milk and held it closer to the dish each time she licked, she finally just licked at the milk. I was so proud of her that I wanted to keep her. But Lee didn't like cats so I had to find her a home. That took a few days and in the mean time Lee became very attached to her. The day I came home from work and told him I finally found her a new home, he had a tear in his eye and said he wanted to keep her.

That has been nearly four years. Now he feeds her as she sits on the back of a chair. He puts her food on the counter edge so she doesn't have to eat on the floor.
She even has a spot in the plant stand to sit and look out the window. She is just as spoiled as June, and again I have to be the mean one. No counter or table when I am home.

Baby will come into the bedroom at night and go to Lee for her nightly snuggle. She wraps her paws around his neck and sticks her nose in his eye or behind his ear and starts purring and pawing and before you know it she has him all wet. I think that is called LOVE by cat.

I on the other hand, get her when I am sitting in my rocking chair in the living room or when I use the phone. She is like the kids. Never want you, till you are on the phone or trying to watch something on the TV. I also get to clean the litter box, my reward.

When I had my sewing table up, she came in to help me quilt. I would put the thread in and she would pull it out. I would put the pins in and she would pull them out. She was so much help. Always right where I needed to be. What a helper, she made me laugh. I wish I still had my table up, I miss all her help. Now she helps me type on the computer. The only problem there is that she spells better than I do.

Update on our kitty Baby. We were closing our swimming pool September 2003 when baby decided to explore outside the fence. Normally she comes back in the fence after a few minutes due to being an inside cat for 7 years. Well this time she choose to explore further and unfortunately she has not came home. We pray that she is with a family that will love her and let her be HER. Baby is a cat that wants you when SHE wants you. Very seldom will she come when called. Here is to our Baby of 8 years and hoping that where ever she is that she is happy and healty or at peace with the Lord. Baby we love you and miss you and you are welcome home anytime. Here kitty kitty!!! June sends her love too. woof woof!!

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