ABC's Of Friendship
Always be honest...Would you want THEM to lie to you?

Be there when they need you...Or you may wind up alone.

Cheer them on...We all need encouragement now and then.

Don't look for their faults...Even if you think you have none.

Encourage their dreams...What would we be without them?

Forgive them...You just MAY do something wrong sometime.

Get together often...Misery loves company, so does joy.

Have faith in them...The human animal is remarkable.

Include them...You may need to be included sometime.

Just be there when they need you.

Know when they need a hug...Couldn't you use one too?

Love them unconditionally...That is the ONLY condition.

Make them feel special...Because aren't we ALL special?

Never forget them...Who wants to feel forgotten?

Offer to help and know when "No thanks" is just politeness.

Praise them honestly and openly.

Quietly disagree...Noisy "NO's" make enemies.

Really listen...A friendly ear is a soothing balm.

Say you're sorry...Don't let them assume it.

Talk frequently...Communication is important.

Use good judgement.

Verbalize your feelings.

Wish them luck...hopefully good!

X-amine your motives before you "help" out.

Your words count...Use them wisely.

Zip your lips when you are told a secret.

By following these ABC's as often as you are able,
You SHOULD live a LONG and "friend-filled" life.

~Author Unknown~