On Monday June 26, 2000 the Gene Map is supposed to be presented to the world. Ninety percent of the genes have been mapped. This discovery is supposed to be equal to the discovery of America!

It is amazing and astonishing that this task has been done. There are those who believe that AUTISM is a chromosomal defect or a combination of genes. The DNA code holds all of our individual physical make-up. I believe autism is genetic only in that our immune systems are deeply encoded into it, our responses to viruses and bacteria and disease. The true Kanner-Type Classical Autism, I believe is the result of prenatal exposure to viruses, bacteria, disease (an insult to the immune system that sets in motion the autistic response)and therefore the child is "different" from birth. The second set of children are the same as the first set only their exposure (immune system response) occurs later, possibly with vaccinations, environmental toxins, or disease. In other words, all autism is caused by the same immune system defects but the insults to the immune system occur at different times. What is interesting is that there is not a documented case of an adult developing autism even after these exposures to environmental toxins or diseases or viruses or bacteria or head injuries. Therefore, I surmise that the immune system autistic response limits itself to the particular chemistry of children. This would indicate that hormones somehow protect the brain or that the immune system has built up antibodies that protect the adult brain from the autistic response. Dr. Michael Goldberg of the Neuro-Immune Dysfunctions has studied the immune system response in children for a number of years and is on the forefront of this research and treatment.

But the INCIDENCE of AUTISM has increased so much in the past decade that genetics does not seem to be indicated as the major causation. There are those who would have you believe that the incidence rate has increased to epidemic proportions because doctors themselves have become more aware and adept in diagnosing it. This, of course, is ridiculous. There is an increased awareness of autism but this would have occurred any time that the actual INCIDENCE had occurred, of course. In a true chromosomal disorder or defect, one would expect to see physical traits across the spectrum of the disorder. Take for instance Downs Syndrome. We know Downs is chromosomal and there are definite physical traits associated with this syndrome. The only physical traits that autistic people seem to share is beauty. Perhaps their symmetry and physical perfection are located somewhere on a gene but I have never seen two autistic people who had physical traits that were similiar other than those already mentioned. However, I know of a child whose mother had rubella during pregnancy and the child was born deaf, dumb, and blind. I saw a picture of this child at a younger age and I was striken by how much it looks like my Matthew who is autistic. Again, I think this bears out my autistic immune response theory.

Let's face it, AUTISM on any level, high-functioning or not, is a devastating condition. It effects the person severely and the family has to cope with the difficulties of that person. Even in Asperger's Syndrome, the person has to deal with multiple sensory input difficulties constantly and that task alone is so frustrating that even small interferences become monumental. I am not in any way saying that persons with Asperger's or autism are intellectually inferior because many have IQ's of genius level. Temple Grandin is only one example. Her grandfather invented the auto-pilot and she herself has engineered remarkable things. Temple would be the first to tell you that her sensory system creates problems for her. But we're talking genetics...The point is, if autism can be prevented, it should be. This is not intended as an insult to anyone. I know you all love your autistic family members greatly . I know I do.

Do not presume that because your child has a diagnosis of AUTISM that it is a genetic defect. It is possible that it is indeed a genetic defect, but the evidence now points more in the direction of a genetic predisposition to exposure to immune system insults and environmental toxins. You need to keep careful records and keep them organized. I would even suggest a daily log. I know you don't have time but it could be crutial. As far as genetic testing, that is available. The only problem is, they do not know where the genetic defect is located. Fragile X Syndrome closely resembles autism and that can be ruled out or in. Retts Syndrome closely resembles autism and that can be ruled out or in. These two are definitely genetic. Fragile X occurs in males and Retts in females.

Genetics is interesting because it is the code for life and we all have genes and chromosomes that make us who we are. I am not one of those who blames personal choices on DNA, however, our physical make-up and tendencies are genetic. Dominant and Recessive genes in our own little personal gene pool play definite roles in the children we produce. But as individuals, we do not have choices about which genes we pass on to our offspring. Those are predetermined at conception by a process that is unknown to us. The future may hold a place where persons who choose to change their genes may be able to do so. If Autism is determined to be a genetic defect, theoretically, in the future, you may choose to have a shot that will alter your genetic code. This will cure your autism. But what are the legal and moral ramifications of such a process? I am all for curing autism and other disabilities but where will our newfound knowledge lead us as a society? If such a shot were available today, I would be the first one in line because I am selfish and I do want my child "Cured" and home with me. But I wonder, how would we ever be sure that we weren't being manipulated through our own say, drinking water? Not every one is interested in the well-being of the people and of our society. There are some evil people out there! Take as an example the nuclear fall-out of the 50's that our government knew about and none of us did. Enough of that. But we need to have careful watch guard over this sort of knowledge and implementation of this knowledge.

If you want to print this out, go ahead. It is my personal opinion based on years of reading and surfing the net. This is from "RAINMAMA'S PAGE" located at".