After seeing all the dullness in his garden and the fifficulties his "A" model was having in living and replicating, he began calling this human being "ADA" for "a Dumb A." God then felt that one human was an odd number and that this could be improved if he made two humans with different genes that could live together, so he took a rib from an ADA to make one more being calling it "ADA Modified" or ADAM. Since two was now an even number of humans, God called the second of the two human beings "even" but later shortened it to "EVE." And God saw that this was good.
God then felt the need to join ADAM and EVE in a manner that would encourage them to live together and produce offspring. God soon realized that this coupling, each with different genes, would produce offspring, each being unique individuals. Now everyone could tell who's baby was who's. God made the same changes in his garen so that soon many varieties of plants and animals covered the earth. And God saw that this was good.
God soon realized that ADAM and EVE had quite different characteristics. ADAM would go out and fetch the water and food while EVE stayed in their shelter. EVE was modified in a way to house the baby in her body while the baby was being formed and with a strong desire to protect the baby when born so other MAPA's could not snatch the baby. God also realized EVE was no longer a MAPA but a modified A calling this type of human being a MA. God then realized that ADAM having lost a rib was also no longer a MAPA and now only a partial A calling this type of human being a PA. His MAPA's he then called the Ma's and the Pa's or the Mama's and the Papa's. And God saw that this was good. And that's the truth.
In today's world, there are some ethnic groups who wish others were just like them and cause great harm to those who are not. They fail to realize that "variety is the spice of life" and that God had tried this approach and realized the terrible difficulities and boredom this caused human beings.