Sadness Comes


What have we given to our kids today.
For what we have dreamed has gone away.

A simple stich, a turn of the pot.
Are no longer gifts of those forgot.

The dreams of values we all shared.
Are no longer passed on to those we care.

When love meant more than just a word.
It was a family together that created the word.

The simple things we have long forgot.
To sew a dress or mend a sock.

To make a cake without a box
or to tell the story of Goldie locks.

Everything of past days have gone away.
But the terrible sadness is here to stay.

-- by William Adams --

A Sonnet To Grief

You are gone! Your voice is still
You have left me after all these years!
And the silence of your leaving
Still echoes in my ears.


I did not hear you when you went,
I did not hear your last goodbyes;
But with the sun came emptiness.
The dark of grief now blinds my eyes.

I listen for your steps in vain
I feel the stillness that you left behind
I want your footsteps on the stairs,
But the endless quiet echoes in my mind.

Your love is gone and we're apart;
The emptiness is pounding in my heart.


A dog sits waiting in the cold autumn sun,
Too faithful to leave, too frightened to run.
He's been here for days now with nothing to do
But sit by the road, waiting for you.

He can't understand why you left him that day.
He thought you and he were stopping to play.
He's sure you'll come back, and that's why he stays.
How long will he suffer? How many more days?

His legs have grown weak, his throat's parched and dry.
He's sick now from hunger and falls, with a sigh.
He lays down his head and closes his eyes.
I wish you could see how 'A WAITING DOG DIES."


A pet is a cherished and important member of many families and only those who've experienced the unconditional love of an animal can understand the anguish felt at their loss.

Jaime, a Chihuahua/Terrier mix, came into our lives as a tiny puppy but soon established herself Queen of the house. My husband wasn't thrilled with her at first. He said if we got a dog why didn't we get a 'real' dog; a German Shepherd or a Rottweiler. Jaime, however, was not deterred by his indifference. She slowly worked her way into his heart, though I'm not sure exactly when.

Perhaps it was the time he watched all eight pounds of her flying low as she chased a huge deer across our yard. Or maybe it was the time she broke her leg tangling with a dog ten times her size who dared to trespass on our property. At any rate, they soon became inseparable buddies. So much so, that when he'd kiss me good-bye in the morning, Jaime would growl menacingly until she received her good-bye too.

Jaime didn't like to be outside by herself. Whenever we'd let her out, it wasn't long before she was right back at the door, scratching to get in. Jim would always yell, "Who's there?" and Jaime would answer with her trade-mark woof consisting of two short barks.

We knew, at thirteen years of age, Jaime wasn't feeling up to par but we didn't realize to what extent. One morning we awoke to find she was gone. We had sworn she was with us the night before, she always slept at the bottom of our bed and so we anxiously began an exhaustive search of the house and nearby woods.

Outside, just as the sun was rising, I heard my husband yell. He had found her. While walking the trail in a nearby grove of trees, he said he heard her bark. Twice. He immediately veered off the path and pushed his way through ten feet of brush and briars to find her under a tree. Her little body was stiff and cold. Jamie had died hours before.

The synchronicity (meaningful coincidence) of hearing a 'dead' dog bark, thus leading us to find her body, can surely be written off as a hallucination or imagined response to an emotional experience. You're free to make of it what you will. As for the two of us it was a magical moment filled with grace. The sun rose that morning to find two people embraced in tears of sorrow and tears of thankfulness, having been given the knowledge and assurance that life goes on. For all.

-----Jan Wolterman----


I went to a party, Mom, I remembered what you said.
You told me not to drink, Mom, so I drank soda instead.
I really felt proud inside, Mom, the way you said I would.
I didn't drink and drive, Mom, even though the others said I should.
I know I did the right thing, Mom, I know you are always right.
Now the party is finally ending, Mom, as everyone is driving out of sight.

As I got into my car, Mom, I knew I'd get home in one piece.
Because of the way you raised me, so responsible and sweet.
I started to drive away, Mom, but as I pulled out into the road,
the other car didn't see me, Mom, and hit me like a load.
As I lay there on the pavement, Mom, I hear the policeman say,
the other guy is drunk, Mom, and now I'm the one who will pay.
I'm lying here dying, Mom. I wish you'd get here soon.
How could this happen to me, Mom? My life just burst like a balloon.

There is blood all around me, Mom, and most of it is mine.
I hear the medic say, Mom, I'll die in a short time.
I just wanted to tell you, Mom, I swear I didn't drink.
It was the others, Mom. The others didn't think.
He was probably at the same party as I.
The only difference is, he drank and I will die.

Why do people drink, Mom? It can ruin your whole life.
I'm feeling sharp pains now. Pains just like a knife.
The guy who hit me is walking, Mom, and I don't think it's fair.
I'm lying here dying and all he can do is stare.

Tell my brother not to cry, Mom. Tell Daddy to be brave.
And when I go to heaven, Mom, put "Daddy's Girl" on my grave.
Someone should have told him, Mom, not to drink and drive.
If only they had told him, Mom, I would still be alive.

My breath is getting shorter, Mom. I'm becoming very scared.
Please don't cry for me, Mom. When I needed you, you were always there.
I have one last question, Mom, before I say good bye.
I didn't drink and drive, so why am I the one to die?

I'm Free

floral angel

Don't grieve for me, for now I am free.
I'm following the path God has laid, you see.
I took His hand when I heard Him call.
I turned my back and left it all.

I could not stay another day,
To laugh, to love, to work, or play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way.
I found peace at the close of the day.

If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joys,
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss,
Oh yes, these things I, too, will miss

Be not burdened with times of sorrow.
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My life's been full, I savored much,
Good friends, good times, a loved ones touch.

Perhaps my time seemed all to brief,
Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.
Lift up your hearts and peace to thee.
God wanted me now; He set me free!

Author Unknown

Last Updated by Virginia Young on Thursday, 27 February, 2003 at 9:31 PM.

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