Read about Texas Style in the book "Growing To Show, How To Grow Prize - Winning African Violets" by Pauline Bartholomew

2 ½ inch pot - ½ inch perlite
4 inch pot - 1 inch perlite

Watering Methods

Visual: ¼ inch water is added to the saucer and more is added when it is gone.

Schedule: Water is added on a scheduled day then dumped off the next day.
2 ½ inch pot add ¼ inch water every 3 to 4 days
4 inch pot add ¼ to ½ inch water every 4 to 5 days
Soil should be wet to barely moist between waterings, do not allow the top of the soil to dry out completely.

Holes are placed around the pot at the perlite layer. The holes are not needed but will help you out when it comes time to water. The water should not go above the perlite layer. The holes also come in handy come repotting time. Slip a tool in the hole and lift up to remove your violet from its pot. Saucers should be 2 inches larger than your pot, small pots can go in a community tray.
