Latest Updates

To show you what's been added since your last visit, with newest items first.  Clickable links will take you directly there.


To keep this list down to manageable size, I'm including only new sections and major updates to old ones. Individual photos and new Cultivar entries aren't included here unless they're also part of a new segment. 


Adding more pictures, restoring degraded images from backup files when possible and rescanning the older ones that were prepared when technology was more limited.
11/20/2000 As a result of changes in the Yahoo system itself, the Guestbook has been replaced and all counters have been reset.   Although the numbers no longer reflect pre-Yahoo visitors, they do provide some indication of which sections get the most traffic and thus the most attention to maintenance.
11/4/2000 The Descendants Analysis section has been updated and expanded, with links now color-coded and some pictures merged into the lists themselves so you don't have to click over to the Photo Gallery to see what an important progenitor looks like. I have started color-coding cultivars to show which fertile family each belongs to, but expect this to take some time to complete.


The site has been completely restructured to take advantage of more convenient file management features that are now available. Everything previously posted is still here, most of it accessible by the same gateways.  If you've been a frequent visitor, the main difference you'll notice is that it is now easier to navigate.

The most popular section, Cultivar Lists, has been expanded.  You can now jump from one list directly to any other without having to go back through the Index and the photo links are clickable thumbnail pictures. 

Although the Hybridizing section now appears to be smaller, that's only because so much has been moved over to the Library.  The Hybridizing Section itself now focuses on the How-To's, with my breeding program as the example and reference material stashed in the Library. 

The Library, once primarily a home for bibliographies, has been expanded to house all of the reference lists that were previously in special-interest sections, and reorganized to make them easier to find.  The Descendants Analysis lists, for example, are essentially a separate book that's a valuable resource for both hybridizers and historians.  

The Photo Gallery is essentially unchanged, as it was already a repository for exhibits prepared for other sections, but the index to seedlings does now feature clickable thumbnail photos.

If you've been a frequent visitor, you'll probably notice that the "History" section is gone.  It was essentially a reference section, so its contents have simply been moved to the Library. 


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© 1998-2002 by Sharon McAllister