Welcome to the The Dryer Update Page!

This page, as you can see, is sorely out of date. It will soon be replaced by my own page from Carleton College, only updated (scroll down for a link to the old page). Thanks for checking in.

The following entries are in chronological order. The most recent postings are at the bottom of the page -- just scroll down.

Dec. 15

Ellie Dryer had surgery on Thursday, December 8. The surgery was to repair an aortic aneurysm in her abdomen. Dr. Adams, the surgeon, said that everything went extremely well, and she was moved out of the intensive care unit on Dec. 10.

After dealing with narcotic pain medications that made her hallucinate and feel nauseated, migraine headaches set in. She has since been given different pain relievers and has found a combination of drugs which are working nicely. She ate lunch and dinner for the first time in nearly a week today, and I snuck in some potato chips which she had been craving. She ate three of them and smiled with great satisfaction.

Mom is walking, talking, dozing, and anxious to come home. It may be Saturday before the big move to Anoka street, but we are all doing well. (Yes, I have found that meal planning and preparation is really doable, mom-style!) Mom expects to return to work in 6-8 weeks.

Dec. 16

Food! Mom has no more tubes sticking out of her, which makes her quite happy. She's on a normal diet now, and thoroughly enjoyed her tast-and-eggs breakfast, chicken salad lunch, and lemon-fish dinner (even if she only ate two bites of anything). The headaches are gone; she can sleep for longer periods of time and pain is more manageable. We took several mini-walks today, to the solarium and up and down the halls, which is much easier without dragging an IV pole with oneself. Rumor has it that she could be discharged in the morning, though she would prefer to wait until at least Friday. We'll keep you updated.

Dec. 17

Two ounces of steak for dinner -- mom is really cookin' now! The staples came out today (they were used in place of sutures) and taking a shower made her feel like a new woman. She will be discharged tomorrow morning, most likely. We haven't figured out the arrangement at home (negotiating steps, pillows, tables, etc.) but will just me mighty glad that she's in more comfortable (read: less drafty) pajamas. Walking and sitting are still tiring but more comfortable each time she tries. We'll have to purchase popsicles on the way home.

Dec. 19

Mom had to miss Dad's firm dinner tonight, but we made up for it by playing Sorry! at the dinner table. An unhappy tummy and inconsistent pain control make life rough, but hopefully the bumps in her road to recovery will be smoothed out soon. (FYI: when sick and desiring canned fruit, buy the cheapest brand possible: that way it's all mushy and in heavy syrup, which is ideal to comfort the queasy tummy. Just ask Mom!)

Dec. 20

Bananas and orange juice and coffee, oh my! Mom is feeling a bit better today than yesterday, and we all hope that she continues in this vein. More food, less unhappy tummy. And a shower! Even the little things are quite exhausting, but some (like canned apricot halves and soapy showers) are exhilirating as well. We are still planning on a full Christmas dinner at our house, with mom as the orchestra conductor and me as ALL the instruments. I think we'll do just fine. Again, thank you for all that you, dear readers, are doing for mom!

Dec. 26

Well, Christmas dinner was a hit! With coaching from Mom, Lisa braised the carrots, roasted the tenderloin, heated the goodies and served yummy Buche de Noel. Mom is eating well, tenderloin and all, and graced us with her presence wearing a Dress (as opposed to her current uniform, Pajamas or Sweats). Pain management is still an issue, but movement is much easier and she can sleep again (thank goodness!). It'll obviously still be a while before she joins aerobics classes, however...


Dec. 27

Mom's graduated to real clothes. She feels too cold all the time to wear less. With weight loss and dehydration, it's not hard to understand why life still isn't comfortable. Her tummy persists in its unhappiness, and every day a new pain comes to replace one that's resolved. For instance: today, it's an ache in her left hip, perhaps from favoring other pains, being up for too long, or sleeping and resting only on her sides. Who knows. It's a constant battle between pain, pain releivers, and nausea. What fun! (NOT.) However, her appetite is still strong, and day after tomorrow she will venture out into the Real World for Lisa's birthday dinner. Keep your fingers crossed.

Jan. 7

Sorry for the delay! Here's the best update I have, though I (Lisa) am now in Northfield MN again... The Real World did indeed see mom for both my birthday and New Year's Eve... it was quite fun. However, Mom went back into the hospital briefly for observation on the 3rd after experiencing sharp, immobilizing pains between her shoulderblades. All tests were negative; the doctors were baffled. She was discharged on the 5th, and now, even the Steri-Strips are gone! She continues to be up and around, and is even reading newsletters pertaining to work again! (sigh.) She has email, and is checking that account more so than this page or the guest book, so please feel free to email her directly at EDRYER@SMDC.ORG (her work account, which she checks from home). Thanks for keeping in touch!

January 21

Great News Update" Mom is actually AT WORK again, part time, and taking it slowly. Unfortunately, as I'm at school again, I have a lack of day-by-day descriptions, but as I hear from her, all is well. Please email her directly -- edryer@smdc.org -- for updates, questions, and well-wishing. This page will disappear sometime in February, perhaps to be replaced with something a bit more fun. (Yes, there are certainly things more fun than surgery!)

Thank you all for your cards, flowers, calls, prayers, and calming thoughts. We'll keep in touch. Feel free to call us at the house or email me (DRYERL@Carleton.edu).


For more info on my life in general, please visit my Carleton page.

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