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the Myles Kiddos in action... |
Candid shots of David, Josh, and Ana doing life together... and having a ball in the process. |
Happy St. Patrick's Day 2000 |
Myles' snowman creation team... reporting for action. Too bad mom & dad are too wiped out from the preparation of the team to enjoy the snow! |
The Cowjuice bandit gang- These three bandits will go through your cowjuice faster than you can say giddyup... |
The Myles' kids in any normal day- have you ever tried to build a train AND play soccer while dressed up as Little House on the Praire characters? |
In lieu of a lot of candy, we proudly wear our new presents. |
Who, us? |
It's hard to smile when mom ducttapes you to the seat. |
May 2001 |