<bgsound src="/Heartland/Grove/3152/therose.mid" loop=infinite>

Welcome Friends


A Garden to me is a place where I can go and reflect and enjoy the pleasant things of life. It is where you see beauty and new life loom.

It takes a lot of hard work and effort to get a garden to look its best and produce the colour and spectacular that it does.

So too doesFRIENDSHIP!!!!

Watering Can with Flowers

Friendship to me is where you can spend time with people who bring out the best in you, who enjoy the best things in life with, who create a beauty within you. It takes time and effort to establish friendships....but when they bloom they are just spectacular!

I dedicate this garden to my great, wonderful & most fantastic buddies who are the garden, colour and spectacular of my life :o)


Wheelbarrow with Flowers

So take time to walk through the gates and reflect on one of life's most precious treasures . . . . . . Friendship!!!!


Gate of Frienship


Birdhouse in Pot Plant...Home



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