For music

A Parents Teachings

In life we are to make many decisions. The outcome of those decisions depends upon the way in which we were brought up as children. We can't avoid the responsibility of decisions.

When we wake in the morning we are confronted with the decision to get up or to remain in bed for the rest of the day. Throughout the day we continually make decisions. Such as what will I drink? will I brush my teeth? do my clothes need ironing? What will I eat today? Will I go to school or work today? This is Life.

As a small child we have our parents to make those decisions for us. As we get older, the more decisions we are allowed to make. But how do children base these decisions? On the values in which they saw their parents act or in the manner they were brought up.

What we believe determines what we do. What we think affects the way we live our lives. Our values, what we think is important qualities of life, govern the way we live our lives. What we consider important in life is what we teach our children.

In today's society many things have lost its true value. Family life has changed. Society has changed. What we believe in will determine what we teach our children. Do we want the best for them - or do we just say that with our lips and not our actions? If we want to be a good role model for our children then we must have a good standard to model our lives on.

The only true role model for our lives can be found when we establish our lives on the truths taught by Jesus and that truth is His Word. We should have as much respect for ourselves as our Maker has for us. We are to remember that we have been wonderfully made. When we look into God's eyes and rely on his word, we see the true values in life.

Many people may teach truth, but only one Person is truth. Jesus taught truth not only in words, but in action and thought too. In His Word we have the values, guidelines of life. We see Jesus through the actions, thoughts and words of others and how they live their lives of true worth and value.

If our children look back at our lives will they see the true values of Jesus and live according to His Word. Or will they see the ways of the World creeping in where our values are being compromised?
copyright Rachel Lodge 1993

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