Welcome to the Grinners Anonymous Society. |
You have joined an organization of people who like to grin and have a good time wherever they are - people like yourself. We are pleased to have you with us. |
Your personal member identification number is [CCCSSSPPPNNNNNN]. Your personal password is [aaaaaaAAAAAA]. Please print and save (or copy to disk) this letter for future reference. You may change your password but your member ID will remain the same for as long as you are a member of GAS, even those of you who may change your name in the future. |
GAS is an organization just for fun. We expect our members to GRIN a lot. We hope GAS members will actively participate in GAS activities. We expect members to respect others and conduct themselves in a positive manner at all times. If you have not already done so, please review GAS Ethics and Behavior to satisfy yourself that you are involved with an organization that behaves like you do or want to do. |
You found us via Its4Fun on the Internet. Our communications to you will be posted via the Its4Fun KIOSK. Please check the Kiosk regularly to be aware of progress, developments and events throughout the GAS membership. You will also find craft project activities; competitions, meeting information and more posted there. If you are helping a member who does not have regular access to a computer, please feel free to print our messages for them - with our thanks. |
While we are busy forming the Grinners Anonymous Society, here are some things GAS members can do immediately. Learn about Toothy Grinners, Gruntings, Havens Of Happiness (and create one), plus start your own "Fuzzy Fingers" project. Are you a leader? Do you want to be a leader? As we develop GAS, we need leaders for all manners of things everywhere. We seek leaders in all age groups, so if you are an interested young person with a desire or ability to lead, please review current Leadership Opportunities, complete and then submit the Leadership Form. Remember that GAS is strictly a volunteer organization for fun. |
Our initial activities focus on organization, learning, a zany sports related craft activity for your home and bowling alley, plus expressing your fun nature for the benefit of everyone. Your action to participate is our desire. Fun begins with your active involvement. |
Welcome fellow GAS'er. Remember that Grinners do it any time! |
Lee Vogel |