Citizens Committed to Save Barham Ranch

"From sand to sandstone, meadows to mountains, kelp to cottonwoods, boardwalks to bike paths, Orange County's Regional Parks and Recreational Facilities offer local residents and visitors countless choices and variety in quality outdoor experiences.

Thanks to a wealth of Natural Resources and visionary land management, millions of people have and will continue to have year-round access to over 30,000 acres of spectacular land and water where they can experience a number of activities and  attractions.

The County of Orange has taken particular care to preserve and maintain the natural beauty and allure of these Distinct Areas and facilities, while striving to maximize your enjoyment…."  (Harbors, Beaches & Parks) 

And now you can help…

Home Page | Barham Ranch | Location and Terrain | NCCP Agreement | Todd Spitzer's Press  Release | Urgent Call To Action!