Listen, gentle people and hear my truest needs . . .
I hear you stumbling for words. Relax. There are no words . . .
I hear you remembering a funny story about Kyle
and looking embarrassed because you are laughing.
Share with me. Let me laugh.
It gives me something to hold on to in the middle of the night when I feel only
pain . . .
Be your happy self . . . and let me be me.
On days when I can laugh, I will. On days when I can speak of Kyle,
I need you to share my memories . . .
You don't have to give me answers, for I will learn to live without them.
You don't have to pretend Kyle never existed, thinking I will forget if you do.
Let me speak his name, and you speak it too.
He is always there, the Kyle I love so deeply, always part of who I am.
If you take that from me, I will be less than who I am.

Comes The Dawn

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