
Angels of Liberty

This page is dedicated to the very dedicated angels of Liberty Hospital
of Liberty, MO. who spend hours taking care of my Father--Garland Helton.
(Sept '97 to Nov '97).  Below you will find the names of the doctors,
nurses, and other staff that I know who attended to my father. I know
I have not included all who helped, because I don't know all the names.
Also I'm not sure that I have spelled everyones' name correctly. With
this in mind if you don't see someone here who should be or you see a 
mispelled name--them email me and let me know and I will make the proper
corrections.  The names are in alphabetic order and this order doesn't
reflect any particular sense of importance.

At this time my Father is in a skilled nursing facility near his home
and is doing fine.  However, without the help of all of you he would
not have been so lucky.  That is why this page is a tribute to your
loving, caring, and dedicated work.  It is a way for us to say thank you!!!


Debra Arnold  Cathy Bonderer Cindy Conwell  Shirley Cunniham  Adrianne Davis
Trudy Eckstein  Sara Eichhorst  Jama Gabbart  Elaine Golden  Sue Gonnerman
Courtney Goodin  Dr. Robert Haas  Cheryl Henrichs  Kay Judson  Barb Keller
Shirley Krummel  Jennifer McClaine  Susan Middleton  Dr. Michele Orr  Diane Shergan
Dr. Steve Starr  Liz Streeter  Dr. Dan Ward

Again I want to express my thanks to each and everyone.  If you
have information on others who need to be here--be sure to email
me with their names.

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