Probably the most important factor concerning food for guppies is what to feed them, how much, and when. You should feed them at least once a day. It is better if you feed them at least three times a day. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once in the evening. You should feed them a little at each feeding. If you see food at the bottom of the tank than you have fed them to much. Over feeding your fish can lead to foul water. Moreover, do not feed them before you turn off the lights because they will not get to exercise off all the food you fed them. Then they might get really fat. When feeding adolescent/adult guppies you should feed them Brine Shrimp at least once a day. The rest of the time you should feed them a variety of flake foods. The flake foods I recommend you have are as follows: Brine Shrimp flake food, "Spirulina Plus and Spectra IV"(Vegetable Flakes, and Color Enhancing flake food) made by Wardley's, growth food, freeze dried tubifex and blood worms. I would not recommend that you feed these foods mixed at one meal. The guppies may get picky and only eat the foods they like. You should feed them one of the foods I listed at one meal. You should also alternate foods at each meal. When feeding baby guppies you should feed them baby brine shrimp. Keep them on this diet for at least two weeks. After that you should introduce some flake foods made just for baby guppies. (Fry Food) As they get older cut down on the brine shrimp and increase it with the flake foods. When they are about three months old you should have them on a diet of brine shrimp once a day and the rest flake foods. Treat them just like how you would feed the adolescents or adults.


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