Private James John Comer Diary Excerpt
Co. H, 33rd Virginia Infantry
"Page Grays"

Pages Dated but Lacking Year.
Highly Probable to be the Jan/Feb, 1863:

Monday (5th(?) in camp not[h]ing new. [David] Wood is not executed
is [?] for Bob Wyant so he start[s] back for home to day

Tu[e]sday 17th gloomy day is sno-
wing very hard. At about 12 o'clock
A.M. orders come for our Regt to
fall in as soon as pos[s]ible to go
on picket we don[e] so & started down
to the river about 3 miles we
ar[e] on the reserve to nite so we
bild[sic] up fires & lay down in the
snow to sleep [,] some of the boys
like to froze & slep[t] none
but I stood it tolerable well

Wensday[sic] 18th we went down to
Rapahanock [sic] River on the bank
we stand picket. The Yankeys [sic]
standing on the other side
of the River we taulk [sic] with them
acros[sic] the river our post is not
more than fifty yards from the
Yanky [sic] post, but O[h] how it rains
this is a hard time on poor soldiers
I am not comferteble[sic] to nite but
litle[sic] sleep for me to nite.

19th gloomy day we are releaved[sic]
from picket at 3 o'cl P.M. & we return
back to camp.

Friday 20th in camp a consert[sic] in our Regt to nite

21st Sauterday[sic] we went to work
on the road these is still gloomy
times with me got back to camp
by dark

Sunday 22 in camp it is a very snowy day.

Monday 23. Not[h]ing new

Tu[e]sday 24th Do

Wensday[sic] 25th Peater Swanson
has a [?] in camp to nite.

On a Separate Page the Following was written and is
Suspected to Take Place in March, 1863:

Tus[sic] 17th . . . . cannonading is still heard
up the River supposed to be
fighting all Furlows [sic] is stopt
untill further orders, I expect
we will march before long
we ar[e] still campt[sic] 15 miles
below Fredericksburg it is hard times & I fear wors[e] is
coming the best hope for
peace is gon[e] this day closes
with trouble uppon[sic] my
mind this World is a wilder-
ness of wo[e]

Wensday[sic] 18th still
here[sic] cannonading the yan-
keys[sic] has crost [sic] the River at
Kel[l]ey's ford we expect a big
fight here soon

Thursday 19th Regt went on picket
this morning at the same place
we was the other day at
the River it is hard time
& I fear worst is coming. The
last comishend [sic] officers we
had in our company left
this morning. It is a cold

Friday 20th Our Regt come off of picket at 10 A.M. it is
snowing our cavilry [sic] drove the
yankeys [sic] back up at Kel[l]ey's
ford where they have been
fi[gh]ting for 4 days.

Sauterday [sic] 21st We drove the yankeys [sic] back
cross the river.

Sunday 22nd
in camp. nothing new. gloomy day

Monday 23rd our company is trying to [?]

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