Our Missions
At Chilhowie United Methodist Church, we believe that we must reach out into our community and the world around us to proclaim God's word. We as individuals and as a church are not always able to engage in such outreach ministries ourselves. Thus, we believe in supporting the following missions as a witness to God's redeeming power in the world around us.

Support for our various missions is raised through our monthly mission offering. On the second Sunday of each month, in addition to our regular offering, we take a separate mission offering. This practice of having a regular budget and a mission budget has worked well for us over the years. It helps to keep clearly before our congregation those items that are missional in nature.

Chilhowie UMC 1997 Mission Budget

John Eisenberg, Missionary $1,000
Local Benevolences


Second Mile Pensions Gift


Yadgiri Hospital in Yadgiri, India


Red Bird Mission


Holston Home for Children


Dr. Gable's Clinic


Young Life


Mission Team Support


General Conference Special Offerings

    One Great Hour of Sharing

    World Communion Sunday