

To Paradise Found!!


This page is dedicated to my husband, Roger,
who I married on October 12, 1996.

Roger, "for all those times you stood by me, for all the truth you made me see, for all the joy you brought to my life, for all the wrong that you made right, for every dream you made come true, for all the love I found in you . . . I'm everything I am because you loved me".

Thank you for helping me find my faith again and lifting me up to reach the stars. Your quiet strength and support has brought me so much joy and happiness after all the storms in my life.

You are my soul mate, Rog, and I love you very much!

We are originally from Houlton located in northern Maine, nestled deep in Aroostook County which is the largest county in Maine ~ nicknamed "The County".

We are known for our earthiness, friendly manner, Maine accents, and being hard workers. We have relocated, but you're never truly out of "The County". It is said, "You can take the person out of 'The County', but you can't take 'The County' out of the person."

There are a few things I must ask of you before you enter. As you journey throughout your day today, take time to smell the flowers, each and every one, take in God's beautiful handiwork, and rediscover the child in you. Lay on the lawn, spread your arms wide, and just watch the clouds as they move lazily along their way. Skip up your drive and blow bubbles into the air and watch in wonder as they float to the ground or ride a breeze, the sun turning them into magical little rainbows. Sing a favorite childhood song at the top of your lungs . . . whatever makes your heart light. Listen to the birds who are serenading you during your journey through the day ~ for each of them was born with a song in their heart, and each song is special and unique. And please say a prayer of thanks to God for all he has blessed you with . . . the good and the bad . . . for without struggle, there is no strength.

No bubbles?! Shame on you!! Always pack a bottle of bubbles in your pocket. By doing this, you are packing your own little rainbows, and life's path is excellent for blowing bubbles as you travel along!

Welcome to our world!

Table of Contents

Meet Our Family!

Strike A Pose! Our Photo Album

Our Heros

Gone But Not Forgotten

The Book

Welcome To Our Kitchen

Isn't It Romantic?

Seasons & Holidays in Maine

Christmas All Year Long

Take Time

Our Adopted POW/MIA

Our Turret Captain Award ~ A Very Special Honor

What's New at Whispering Pines?

Webrings We Belong To

Our Favorite Links

Our Trophies! Thanx Everyone!

More Trophies! Thanx Everyone!

More Trophies! Thanx Everyone!

This award was a total surprise and is a true honor.
It means a great deal to us, so much that I wanted it, too
to occupy a special place on our homepage.
I am *truly* honored, Paul. Thank you so *very* much!
Warrant Award - Truly an Honor!
Received July 3, 1998



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And we hope you'll drop by our individual sites as well!
(Thanks so MUCH Grogg for our beautiful banners!)

Peek-A-Boo!  You've Found Pooh!

This site was created by Laurie Scott in August of 1997


The music you are listening to is by Night Angel and is entitled "The Long Roads"