What's On The Menu
In The Scott Family's Kitchen?

Welcome to The Scott Family's Kitchen. Every once in a while we'll feature different recipes that will not only include our own but recipes from Laurie's many penfriends all over the world and recipes that we think you might be particularly interested in.

Laurie will be featured in the kitchen most of the time. Our kitchen's not big enough for the three of us adults let alone our two cocker spaniels who are always looking for handouts, things dropped on the floor . . . you know. Laurie does most of the cooking around here. Rog CAN cook . . . just doesn't get the urge very often. Corey can cook also, but the only urge he gets to cook is Tollhouse Cookies, and he hasn't done that since my other "son" Rich moved to Oklahoma . . . man, what those boys could do to a kitchen!

Anyway . . . we're always interested in new and different recipes, so please feel free to e-mail us with some of your own favorites. We'll be more than happy to feature them and you on this page!

As you walk through this mini-site, I hope you enjoy the graphics and the music that accompanies them. The graphics are by Judith, and the original music you are listening to is composed by her husband, Tommy. I hope you will visit their site as it is remarkable - so full of beauty in the way of graphics, music, poetry, and genuine love. I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I clicked on a link to their site, and you will, too. Thank you, Judith and Tommy, for your generosity in allowing me to use your beautiful graphics and your soothing music to enhance these pages. Your site is magical and soooooooo romantic! ~sigh~

Well, summer is finally here! Officially today, as a matter of fact. Barbeque season! That means we ladies get a break from the kitchen as the men like to do the macho grill thing! At least that's the way it is at our house. My idea of grilling something is to start the grill on hi, throw whatever onto the grill, close the lid, walk away, and go back when I think it's done. So you're not amazed that Rog doesn't even want me NEAR the grill! ~giggle~ Hey, there's a method to my madness! He takes over and does all the grilling! :o)

The 4th of July is right around the corner, and with it comes cookouts, picnics, and company! So you don't want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen or you miss out on all the fun!

Aside from the regular potato salads, tossed salads, macaroni salads, and such, I thought I would offer some of our family recipes that we enjoy when we all get together. Believe me ~ when we all get together, there's enough food for the National Guard! And it's all super!

So here are a few things that are not only delicious but can be whipped up in no time. Enjoy!






The Internet Chef
Copycat Recipes
Low Fat Living
Hershey's - Yeah! THE Chocolate People!
Rice Krispies Recipes Galore
1st Traveler's Choice Internet Cookbook
Campbell's Community
Kraft Interactive Kitchen
Quaker Kitchen


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