JOHN BAMSEY (Born in England) 11 Sept. 1792 (Died:) 8 May 1874
MARGREAT BAMSEY (Born in Ireland) 27 Jan. 1786 (Died:) 28 Feb. 1868

MARRIED: 1819 (Both are laid to rest at Creston, Iowa)

John migrated to America, and first settled in New York. He served in the War of 1812. John & Margreat were married in 1819, and their four children were born in New York. The family later moved to Iowa, where John and Margreat lived until their deaths.
John's family is believed to have first settled in Essex County, England. Many of the Bamsey family records in England are thought to have burned in a church fire in the 18th Century.
John Bamsey reportedly had six brothers, and his family possibly moved to Wales after John migrated to America.
Many thanks go to my nephew, John P. Bamsey from: Woodbridge, Va.; Niven Bamsey from: Horley, Surrey,UK; and Mr. & Mrs. John Bamsey from: W.Glam, S.Wales, UK. for providing much of the information listed here.
There are still many Bamsey's living in England; I have corresponded with several. My nephew and I have been researching our family for the past several years. In talking to, and writing to many Bamsey's, it is certain that we are related!

If you have more knowledge of our family in England; or if you just want to see how we are related, please email me. We have gone far too many years without getting to know each other as a family, and we don't have nearly enough family reunions!

UPDATE: I have recently been in correspondence with several Bamsey's from Canada. They also have roots back to England, and feel that we are related. I'm still awaiting information from them regarding their English ancestry. We still are searching for the names of John's brothers, and their descendants. We also appear to have a distant cousin, Howard Bamsey, who is the ambassador to the United Nations from Australia. He also came from England originally.



Hugh Bamsey married Mary Jane Brown(1852) (4 Children:)
(Russell Bamsey) married Luella Kate Dutton (8 Children:)
(Arthur Bamsey) married Mary Albers, then Florence Gremmels (7 Children:) Frank,Leonard,Larry,Sandra,Keith,Linda,Garland

William W. Bamsey married Elizabeth McMurray (9 Children:)
(1.)Jennie Elizabeth married Wm. Obrecht (7 Children:)
(2.)William H. Bamsey married Lillie Mae Obrecht (6 Children:)
(3.)John M. Bamsey married Cora Belle Knouse (8 Children:)
(4.)Alfored Bamsey married Ida Fry (no children)
(5.)George R. Bamsey married Elizabeth Buckman (7 Children:)
Gertrude,Lorin,Russell,Ione,Bernard,Lyndon,Howard O.
(6.)Charles O. Bamsey married Bertha Olson (7 Children:)
(7.)Thomas(Frank)Bamsey married Theodocia Petty (5 Children:)
(8.)Ray Bamsey married Alice Kopp (4 Children:)
Gertrude,Alice Louise,Florence Mae,Raymond L.
(9.)Grover Cleveland Bamsey married Phoebe Olson (4 Children:)
Russell Emmert,Ralph Oliver,Louis Alvin,Arlene Elizabeth

If you have anything further to add to this; please e-mail us!


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