Home&School Connection
Working Together for School Success

Helping your child succeed-

tips form educators

Have you ever heard the expression
"Well begun is half done"? One secret
to a successful school year is to set good
routines right from the beginning.
How can you help your child become
more successful in school? We asked
educators from across the country to
share their ideas.
Here are some tips from teachers and

Take time to make time
"One key to success is to follow a
schedule," says one school superinten-
dent. "Children need a schedule they
can depend on--one that includes difinite
times for homework,meals,and sleep.
Then they can work around those
times to include the extras."
An elementary school principal
suggests, "Limit TV and video games."
Decide how much of this kind of free
time to allow--and stick to it. Other-
wise, these activities can consume too
much of children's time.

A reading teacher offers this
reminder. "Continue to share reading
with children, even after they can read
by themselves. This allows them to
enjoy stories that may be too difficult
for them to read alone. For variety, try
reading newspapers, magazines-even
the comic strips. You'll send the
message that reading is important."

Check into it
Am elementary teacher recommends,
"Take a few minutes every day to look at
what your child brings home from
school. You'll probably see work that
teachers thought was important enough
to send home. Talk about the
schoolwork together.This
shows that you care about
the things your child
spends most of the
day doing."

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