A Place of Healing

If you are weary, and your body, mind and spirit need a healing touch, stop here and rest awhile. And I hope that you will feel the warm embrace of this place, as I share my personal thoughts with you.


Dear God, from whom all life is given, we give you honor and praise. We bow humbly before Thee, Father, in heartfelt thanks for the gift of life you have bestowed upon us. We thank you for each and every human being you have created through your Lovingkindness. We thank you for the miracle of your Son, Jesus, whom you sent into this world to be our Savior. The Christchild, who lived and died for us, so that our sins could be forgiven.

Almighty God, our hearts are weary, our bodies have grown frail with illness, and we are fearful. We know that your will must be done, Lord. And that we are subject always to your Mercy. It is upon your never ending Love and generousity that we now call, offering to you our meager token of faith, as we ask for Your healing touch. Heal us in mind, body and spirit.

Hear our prayer, Oh Lord. Forgive all of our shortcomings. Strengthen our questioning faith by the healing we now reach out to recieve, so that we may give witness to Your Greatness. In the power of the Holy Spirit of God, and by the shed Blood of our Precious Savior, Jesus, we pray. Amen

Lord, I lift my mind to You, I leave the world behind for this brief time with you, and offer myself to you fully. I long for your most healing embrace. Come to fill me with heavenly love and peace. I am hurting, Father, and in deep need of repair. My very soul aches with longing for the comfort of Your Unconditional Love.

So many things have kept me from coming to You here, Lord. But now, brought low from my suffering, I stop upon my busy way to ask for aid. I come to the One who knows me more completely than any other. Only with you, can I be totally who I really am, for You, Father, know me better than even I know myself. Lead me, guide me, enlighten my soul, I pray.

For whom else can I turn to, when all others fail me, Lord. No other being knows me, cares for me, and forgives my faults as you do. There is no end to your Mercy. Everything that I have, all that I am, is from You. Every tear that I shed, each cry from my lips, touches Your Loving Heart, My Creator. And it is only because I lose sight of this, that I neglect to come to you, Almighty God, with my every need.

I surrender myself to you completely. I place my trust in only You, Lord. I await your Healing Touch, knowing you will not send me away empty. Whatever be your will, I accept the gift you bestow upon me, giving thanks from the depths of my being. Amen

I bring my burdens to Jesus, for he was sent to us, to be our Savior, and he knows ours needs. He has already suffered unto death for us, because he knew that our sins would surely condemn us, if it were not for the shedding of his Precious Blood for us. He has walked upon the earth, he has experinced all that we are faced with each day. He has seen the rich, the famous, the poor and the lame. He has seen the mentally ill. And he has seen the corrupt amoung us. He has looked deep into our hearts and been through anguish on our behalf.

Dear Jesus, you have been my Redeemer. You came to bring us the Light of God's Love, and although we can only see that light with eyes dimmed by our humanity, you will never desert us. So patiently, you gently wait to lead us toward Heaven. How can we ever be worthy of the gift you have given us. We are so concerned with the things that bring us discomfort and pain, we are fearful and doubtful. Even our best show of courage and love is only as a single drop in the vast ocean of love that awaits us.

We ask forgiveness for all of our self-centered ways, for we are children, Lord. We are bound by our fleshly desires for admiration, possessions, and having our way. Yet, you look upon us with Love, Forgiveness and Mercy. You grant us the fleeting desires of our hearts, or you withold them if you deem them not for our eternal benefit. Come and lift our burdens, we pray. For we cannot see the power in our sufferings to bring us holiness. The weight of our cares is sometimes too overwhelming. We struggle to shed the yolk placed upon us.

And, in your mercy, Lord, you grant us rest, healing, or a new beginning. Whatever our Father in heaven grants to us, teach us how to be truelly grateful. Place joy in our hearts, give us courage, we pray. Plant a strong faith in our hearts, and enduring trust in our minds, we pray. Amen

Thank You, Father God, for creating the angels, and sending them to guard us here on earth. When we fear our lonliness, and are so sure that we are alone, make us aware of their close pressence in our life. The spiritual world is all around us, yet we fail to see it. Imprisoned by our limited concept of thought, we lack the ability to concieve of these things. The many and wonderful gifts of our life, as children of the Mighty King, and Creator of all things.

Yet, in Your Magnificence, Father, you still desire our love, our trust, our need for you. And so, we come and sit at your feet, in awe. Teach us to feel welcome always, so that we learn to place ourselves unreservedly in you care. Let our hearts be filled with the warmth of your Unconditional Love. Enlighten us to the wonder of serving you. Grant us the acceptance of whatever you bring into our lives. And make us wise enough to discern whatever is not from You, Father.

With your angels always at our side, lead us along the path you have set for us to travel, that leads to You, Lord God. We ask the strength of body, mind and spirit that will enable us to make this journey, as we should. For what is our life but a small portion of the Infinite Power that created it. The power that sends life into the body, to give birth, to regenerate generation after generation, and to return to Our Maker. Teach us to understand that we are put on this earth to know You, to love You, and to serve You, Father. And make us see that this is best done through loving one another.

May your Heavenly Angels lead us, protect us, and guide us in these matters. May we be filled with Your Holy Spirit and given the gifts of Love from Our God. Empower us to trust, and walk as Jesus did, Father, in obedience to You. Amen


Lord, I release all of my hurts to you. This body which you have created and know so well, is in pain. I am not able to live as fully as I wish to. Without my health, I feel so helpless, Father. And my mind is preoccupied with this problem. I desire to be strong and well.

I am placing my hope in You, My Creator. For it was you who placed me in my mother's womb. You who brought into being my every cell, my bones, my skin, my organs which sustain life. I am yours, even more than the parents you chose to be mine here on earth. Search my entire body, I pray, and correct the illness which plagues it. Lead my physicians to discover the best ways in which to minister healing.

Grant me the courage to face this illness with grace, and gift me with abundant faith in your Mercy. Surround me with caregivers to minister the aid that I need. Bring into my life all who would encourage and support me in a positive way. Enable me to be able to give repayment to those who use their skills to heal my body through medical practises. Place in all of our hearts, the knowledge, that it is You, Divine Healer, who will touch us, and enable us. Amen.
