God our Father, source of all health, be near those who suffer in the time of
weakness and pain; relieve them of their burden and heal them, if it be Your will.
Give peaceful sleep to those who need rest for soul and body, and be with them in
their hours of silence. Bless those who know not what another day will bring.
Make them ready for whatever it may be. Whether they must stand, or sit
or be confined, grant them a strong spirit.
Inspire with Your love those who bring healing and care to the suffering.
May they bestow Your gifts of health and strength wherever they go. Grant this
prayer, through Christ our Lord.
In quiet confidence, in serene prayer, I place every healing need in God's care.
I am relaxed, my mind is cleared of negative thoughts, I am open and receptive
to God's healing power.
I feel the support of God's loving power; I feel the infilling of strength.
I have the desire to be well, happy and free. The zest for living is renewed
in me. My spirit thrills to the knowledge of God's perfect life indwelling me.
My mental outlook is peaceful, fearless and possitive. I know, I affirm,
I have faith. I believe that God's healing life is making me totally well
from the top of my head to the tips of my toes.
I am ready and willing for healing. I give thanks that healing is taking place
now. I compleately release any healing need to God and let His perfect work be
done in me.
Written by: Michael D. Harmon
Permission granted by his Brother
Do you want what you want when you want it?
Do you pray and expect a reply?
And when it's not instantly answered,
Do you feel that God passed you by?
Well, prayers that are prayed in this manner
Are really not prayers at all,
For you can't go to God in a hurry
And expect Him to answer your call...
For prayers are not meant for obtaining
What we selfishly wish to aquire,
For God in His wisdom refuses
The things that we wrongly desire.
Don't pray for freedom from trouble,
Or ask that life's trials pass you by,
Instead pray for strength and for courage
To meet life's "dark hours" and not cry
That God was not there when you called Him,
And He turned a deaf ear to your prayer
And just when you needed Him most,
He left you alone in despair...
Wake up! You are missing completely
The reason and purpose for prayer,
Which is really to keep us contented
That God holds us safe in His care.
And God only answers our pleadings
When He knows that our wants fill a need,
And whenever "our will" becomes "His Will"
There is no prayer that God does not heed.
Lord Jesus, grant that I and my spouse may have a true and
understanding love for each other. Grant that we may both be
filled with faith and trust. Give us the grace to live with
each other in peace and harmony. May we always bear with one
another's weaknesses and grow from each other's strengths.
Help us to forgive one another's failings and grant us patience,
kindness, cheerfulness and the spirit of placing the well-being
of one another ahead of self.
May the love that brought us together grow and mature with
each passing year. Bring us both even closer to You through
our love for each other. Let our Love grow to perfection.
Slow me down, Lord. Ease the pounding of my heart by the
quieting of my mind. Steady my hurried pace with a vision of
the eternal reach of time. Give me, amid the confusion of the
day,the calmness of the everlasting hills. Break the tension
of my nerves and muscles with the soothing music of the singing
streams that live in memory.
Help me to know the magical, restoring power of sleep.
Teach me the art of taking minute vacations -- of slowing
down to look at a flower, to chat with a friend, to pat a dog,
to read a few lines from a good book.
Slow me down, Lord.
by Laura Pann
One suffering soul,cried out today
For heaven's needed healing touch
A tormented mind; sought a way
But the pain was just too much.
Fear came along and gripped a heart,
Leading this hurting one astray.
The valiant faith felt at the start
Was tested more and more each day.
And soon the battle grew to be too much,
For even the bravest heart to face
In the depths of longing; for God's touch
One chose to hasten death's embrace.
Judge not with harshness, Lord we pray
But come to comfort this suffering soul.
Take all the merits of this life, today
With Your Love; make this wounded spirit whole.
Dear Jesus,
lay your Wounded Hand
Upon my weary head,
And teach me to have courage
In the paths that I must tread.
Bless me, and bless those whom I love,
And give us grace to see
These crosses bravely borne by us
Will keep us close to Thee.
And if at times a shadow falls
In unexpected ways,
Put Your gentle hand in mine
And guide me through the days.
So bless my people, one and all,
With Thy protecting grace,
And impart to them Thy Wisdom
Ere they meet Thee face to face.