Over the last eleven years I have discovered many facts that show that believing in evolution creates more problems than it solves. I have written a few here, but this list is by no means exhaustive. It took me a while to take it all in, as I had never heard that there was an alternative view to life existing.
When I did my A-levels (The equivalent of American High School, I believe) I was taught the second law of thermodynamics, which simply states that the Universe is becoming more disorganised. If you open a bottle of perfume, then the perfume molecules will spread out into the room. You can wait as long as you like, but they won't all go back into the bottle.
At the same time I was being taught Physics A-level, I came across a newspaper article on the Biology noticeboard of the College. It stated there was a discrepancy between the amount of time that it would have taken for the genes of monkeys to evolve into human genes and the amount of time that the bones would take to evolve as they appear to have done. The difference, as I recall, was at least one million years. Obviously, when Darwin wrote the origin of the species, he did not know about genetic differences.
Symbiotic Relationships
Symbiosis- in biology, the living together of two dissimilar organisms in close association or union, especially where this is advantageous to both, as distinguished from parasitism (Webster's New World Dictionary, New York: World Publishing Co., 1964, p. 1477).
If it could be proved that any part of the structure of any one species had been formed for the exclusive good of another species, it would annihilate my theory, for such could not have been produced through natural selection. (Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, New York: New American Library, 1958, p. 186-187)
Darwin was not aware that symbiotic relationships do exist, such as the Sirex and Ibalia wasp larvae, or the Dodo and the plant Calvaria Major. If he knew, he would never have published his theory, since he stated that the existance of symbiotic relationships would render his theory invalid. Bear in mind that Darwin had very limited knowledge of the diversity of life on the planet, and that modern believers in evolution have constructed their own theories in order to fill the gaps in Darwin's theory.
For life to evolve by chance would take a Universe ten times bigger than the one we live in now, if you accept the current figures for the mass of the Universe. Even then, consider something as necessary to life as haemoglobin. There are millions of arrangements of the atoms in haemoglobin, yet only a few will absorb oxygen and give it out again. Basically, there is more chance of you winning the lottery (of any country or state) than life existing merely by chance. Professor Stephen Hawkings in his book 'A brief history of time' mentions this, but can give no explanation of how life, or even the Universe, came to exist when could easily not have existed.
What of the links between man and Apes?
So far we have had the following 'discoveries'
Heidelberg Man
Built from a jaw bone that was conceded by many to be quite human
Nebraska Man
'Scientifically' built up from one tooth and later found to be the tooth of an extinct pig.
Piltdown Man
Perhaps the most famous hoax. The jawl was supposedly discoved at Piltdown, Sussex, England, but 50 years later it turned out to be the jaw of an ape with the teeth filed down.
Peking Man
500,000 years old. All evidence has disappeared.
Neanderthal Man
At the Int'l Congress of Zoology (1958) Dr A J E Cave said his examination showed that the famous Neanderthal skeleton found in France over 50 years ago is that of an old man who suffered from arthritis.
New Guinea Man
Dates away back to 1970 ... This species has been found in the region just north of Australia.
Cro-Magnon Man
One of the earliest and best established fossils is at least equal in physique and brain capacity to modern man ... so what's the difference?
When the theory of Evolution was accepted by the scientific world, it was realised that the Earth would have to have been in existence for millions of years in order for there to have been enough time for life to evolve. This is like saying that if you give an infinite number of monkeys a typewriter each they will write the complete works of Shakespeare. So now any evidence that the world is millions of years old, however tenuous, is jumped on, and any evidence that the Earth isn't is discarded. So now the theory is proved, and evidence is added in its favour. This isn't scientific at all. Science is about proving theories by viewing all the evidence.
For example, for years we have believed Newton's Laws of Motion apply in all circumstances, but then Albert Enstein published his theory of relativity, and further experiments in space and laboratories have shown that time slows down the faster you go, and that objects increase in mass with speed. This was discovered by flying atomic clocks around the world and attempting to accelerate an electron to the speed of light. For another example, Fermat's last theorem has only recently been proven, and only a few people actually understand the proof (I certainly don't), yet it has always been taught as a theorem, ie an unproven theory. Maybe it should now be called Fermat's last fact? It is odd that evolution, as unproven as it is, has never been a theorem.
How about a few facts to surprise you. Samples containing radioactive halos of elements that have a half/life of a minute fraction of a second have been found, implying the rock they were found in had cooled from being molten in less than 1/1000 second (now that is some fridge). What about the spiral arms of our galaxy? If the Universe is as old as claimed, these spiral arms would have disappeared entirely by now, since our galaxy rotates once every 200 million years or so (I'm sorry, I'm not David Attenborough, so I don't know the exact amount of time, as I wasn't there like he says he was).
For years we were told that oil and diamonds took millions of years to make, yet we can make diamonds (Industrial diamonds). A barrel of oil has been made from one ton of garbage in twenty minutes! (Machine Design 14 May 1970)
If oil really has been in the ground for millions of years, why is it still under pressure? The pressure would have dissipated by now, even through non-porous rock, since only a few molecules would need to pass through at a time. According to Dr Melvin Cook, oil has been under pressure no longer than 10,000 years (chapters 12-13 of prehistory and earth models by Melvin A Cook, Max Parrish and Co. 1966).
Natural selection states that the fittest and strongest will survive. This is true for animals on a small scale, but has never been true of human history. If it were true, the Roman Empire would not have collapsed, Henry V would not have won the battle of Agincourt, Germany would have won the Second World War, Israel would not survive as a nation as it would have lost either the 1967 or 1973 wars, when it was heavily outnumbered. These are only a few examples, and I am sure that more can be found. History reads like the story of David and Goliath, when the least likely to win has done so, and the strongest has been defeated.
Many Evolutionists, particularly Richard Dawson, say that there is no life after death, and that we are some cosmic accident. They ignore historical evidence and make wild statements that the Old Testament was only written in 700BC, (Which archeologists would not agree with. They have found writing dating back to 4,000BC at Ebla, meaning that Moses really did write the Torah. Before the discovery of the Ebla site, they said that writing could not have been around in 3,000BC. So Richard Dawson is very much out of date) that there is no God and that we are all alone in the world. This means of course that we need not be accountable to God for our actions.
If you believe that, then you are very very mistaken! Jesus Christ came as a real historical person, died on the cross and rose from the dead. These are historical facts of which there is far more evidence than there is of evolution. Everyone who has set out to honestly disprove Christianity has been so overwhelmed by the evidence that they realised that they had to believe it is true. God really does exist, and he wants to know you as his friend. You need to make peace with him by asking Jesus Christ to forgive you of all your sins, and choosing to follow him as your Lord. He promises to come to you, and never to leave you. He is an ever present help in times of trouble, and he can give you eternal life, rather than the punishment of hell that we all deserve, for the Bible says that if we keep all of God's laws, and break one, we are guilty of breaking all of them (James 2:10). Think about that for a moment. That means that you are no better than a murderer, an adulterer or a blasphemer. All of these sins were punishable by death in Old Testament times. Now God offers you life instead of death. Choose life while you still have time!
Latest News on Evolution!
The Times carried the following story on December 23rd 1996.
The world of anthropology has been turned on its head. Fossils found on the Indonesian island of Java suggest that Homo erectus, an ape-like ancestor of modern man, existed a mere 27,000 years ago.
Why has this simple date caused such a rumpus? Homo erectus was thought to have died out about 200,000 years ago, leaving the planet the exclusive domain of their more advanced descendants human beings, or Homo sapiens. Now scientists suspect that in the midst of this extinction, a small erectus community survived on Java until between 53,000 and 27,000 years ago. In other words, prehumans stalked the Earth at the same time as human beings. As a report in today's issue of Newsweek puts it: "It's like finding a family of Neanderthals living in 1996."
This article goes on to state that this discovery does not benefit those who believe in Creation, which is a little surprising. This shows how inaccurate dating methods are. They are quoting a date with about 50% error each way! I'm glad they aren't my accountants! If an accountants accounts were that inaccurate, he'd get the sack! Here's another example of inaccurate dating. Tissue from a living mollusc was tested for Carbon-14 and found to be dead for 3,000 years (science volume 141
It appears that Evolution stood still on Java while it carried on throughout the rest of the world. In fact, the actual skulls were not dated, but animal teeth from the same site, assuming that they were buried at the same time. They couldn't get permission to date the skulls, so they rely on this assumption instead. Of course, it could be said that someone buried the animal bones with the older skulls, but how could we know for sure?
"Professing themselves to be wise they became fools". Romans 1:22
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© John Airey, johnairey@geocities.com, Background © Albino Frog Software, Inc.