Welcome to this genealogical web site the purpose of which is to collect and display material on Salmony families from all over the world - where ever they may be - and to connect these families. Eventually, this site will contain other interesting things as well. The site will be under continuos construction and will be updated with new data on Salmonys. welcome.gif (6772 bytes)

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Salmony families around the world   -   Other Salmony Home Pages  -  The Danish Branch of Salmony  -   Structural View of the Danish/Faroe Salmony Family

Mail me    -  Links to Genealogy Sites on the Internet  -   Search the Internet   - e-mail adresses to Salmonys

Salmonys around the world

There are four known families with the name Salmony. They are located in The United States, in Germany, in Switzerland and in Denmark.
The Danish group of Salmony is the largest and goes back to the village Trongisvaag on the island Suğeroy - the most southern island of the Faroe Islands.

The Danish branch

Other Salmony Home Pages

This is Michael Salmony (Heidelberg, Germany)

Pay a visit to this Michael Salmony's home page (Heidelberg, Germany)

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Pay a visit to Finn Salmony's home page (Copenhagen, Denmark)

Genealogy Sites

Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet (more than 27000 links)
Best genealogy links on the web (a collection og geneaology links)
Everton's Genealogical Helper Web Site
The Danish Demographic Database

e-mail contact

If you have  information about the name Salmony or knowledge of other Salmony families please e-mail one of the adresses below:

Steven E. Salmony, North Carolina USA: SESALMONY@aol.com
Michael Salmony, Heidelberg  Germany: salmony@t-online.de
Finn  Salmony, Copenhagen  Denmark: salmony@dk.ibm.com
Kirsten Salmony, Copenhagen Denmark: salmony-blok@get2net.dk

Michael Salmony, Copenhagen  Denmark: msalmonyl@dk.oracle.com

Salmony families around the world   -   Other Salmony Home Pages  -  The Danish Branch of Salmony  -   Structural View of the Danish/Faroe Salmony Family
Mail me    -  Links to Genealogy Sites on the Internet  -   Search the Internet   - e-mail adresses to Salmonys

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Author: Michael Salmony.
Copyright © 1997 Michael Salmony. All rights reserved.
Revised: februar 23, 1999 21:16.