Miscellaneous Heintz Links
Heintz isn't
common a name but I found these links out on the web:
Did you know there is a
Heintz vase
and other
Heintz antiques
A guy named
Chris Heintz
designs light aircraft. His company name
is an anagram for Heintz.
Susy Heintz
is into politics.
Karen Heintz
is into rabbits.
Nicholas Heintz
is into DNA research.
Anders Heintz
goes to college in Sweden.
Greta Heintz
is a wedding photographer.
Tim Heintz
has published music CDs.
Mike Heintz
has a small bit of Heintz geneology. Could his grandfather be related to ours?
Stefan Heintz
's home page in Germany features a cute charging moose animation.
Williams & Heintz
are mapmakers.
Kurt Heintz
is into cinematic arts and grew up in Galesburg.
Pontus Heintz
was a member of the Joliet Police Force in 1889.
Bob Heintz
is quite the golfer, winning $225,000 in the Shreveport Open, April 19, 1999
There is a
Heintz Electric Company
in Quincy, Illinois.
There was another
Victor Heintz
who was a congressman from Cincinnati.