Welcome to my guestbook. These are comments made by visitors to my site. Please rank my site! Thanks for visiting.

Sanjiv - 11/10/00 21:43:41
My Email:ssanjiv@eudoramail.com
Native village/town: Kodamalai
Address: City: Detroit

Drifted into your page from badaga.org , looks pretty good. i've got lotta interest in cars , if you refer some good sites it'll be helpful if you could mail it to me.

Angela - 10/27/00 02:41:38
My URL:http://www.moneymailbox.homestead.com
Address: State: PA
Address: Country: USA

Great Site....Thanks!

Lori - 12/29/99 19:22:24
My Email:lori_dumond@ibi.com
Address: City: Orlando
Address: State: Florida

I've been taking Prozak for 2 years and have tried twice to go off it. Looking around for suggestions of alternative treatments. Prozak has taken most of my sex drive away and I want this to change!

Sameer - 10/13/99 21:59:24
Organisation: UMich
Native village/town: Hyderabad

pretty cool page.... one mistake on the nobel prize laureates. Mother Teresa was not Indian. She was actually from Kosovo.

Raman Suresh Kumar - 05/08/99 12:42:39
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/sureshraman/a.html
My Email:surkum@hotmail.com
Organisation: Nomura Research Institute, Singapore
Native village/town: Ooty

A neat page. Looks more attractive after the recent facelift. Keep it up.

Shankar - 01/13/99 20:34:35
My Email:ssankar1@yahoo.com
Organisation: You Know Me
Native village/town: Coimbatore

Bhojan, Happened to find this site by accident. Good work. I'll try to link it to my home page when I get it ready. Shankar.

Frances R. Carroll - 01/01/99 16:57:30
My URL:http://expage.com/page/dej5
My Email:CCarr42374@aol.com
Address: City: 433 Elmont Rd Va Beach
Address: State: Virginia
Address: Country: USA

Hello! and a Happy New Year to you and yours, I was just surfing and i found this site, and i'm really glad of that, I hope to hear from you soon, I would like to know more about this site. You take care, It was good talking to you, bye for now. Yours Franny.

10/03/98 21:35:06
Name: kelly dubaski My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Nadja & Ken - 08/25/98 14:10:10
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/knstevens
Address: City: Brantford
Address: State: Ontario
Address: Country: Canada

Hi Rabin: I came here from Jessica's page.
You have a good start on your homepage.
I couldn't get into the Badaga Page
Take care & good luck with your homepage.
τΏτ Nadja

Make a Wish! - 08/09/98 12:24:29
My URL:http://fly.to/Make_a_Wish

Hi there, can you post "Make a Wish!" Link on your homepage? If you agree, please copy the code at "http://fly.to/Make_a_Wish", also please introduce "Make a Wish!" webpage to your friends.! Thank You & Wish you Good Luck!

PARAM name="font8" value="Courier,BOLD,18">

Harikrishnan - 07/22/98 07:56:19
My Email:harimac@hotmail.com
Organisation: University of Western Sydney-Macarthur,Australia
Native village/town: Bygamund, Ooty.

The site is really good.

melissa delos santos - 07/18/98 01:56:47
My Email:missyej15@aol.com
Native village/town: frederickburg, va or b-town, wa
Address: City: same as native vill.
Address: State: same as above
Address: Country: un-u.s.of a

shoutz to my people especially donna, sam, leah, michael, ben, ned, brett, riley, diego, jesse, jorgie, eric and jason i luv y'all!

Jack Teagarden - 05/29/98 14:20:17
My URL:http://www.themotorworks.com
My Email:mtrwrks@concentric.net
Organisation: The MotorWorks
Native village/town: Mooresville
Address: City: 39 E Main
Address: State: In
Address: Country: USA


Cornerstone Church - 05/11/98 20:04:01
My URL:http://www.hondocarpenter.com
My Email:hondocarpenter@juno.com
Address: City: Winnie
Address: State: Texas
Address: Country: USA

Nice site. Come visit our church page.

Joe - 04/21/98 20:27:07
My Email:cracker@cheese.com
Organisation: Crash
Native village/town: Oakville
Address: City: St. Louis
Address: State: MO
Address: Country: U.S.A.

I like the homepage.

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