Hilltop Christian School

Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Prov 22:6

Hilltop Christian School
was named an "Accredited Quality School"
by the
ACE School of Tomorrow
for the school years of 1996-1997 & 1997-1998

Hilltop Christian School and The School of Tomorrow Program
is a Bible-based educational program that :

Produces academic excellence

Incorporates character building and wisdom principles

Stresses the uniqueness of each individual

Places your child at exact point of his academic ability

Encourages parental involvement

Teaches the child to think

For more information please call 707-994-3122 or
send us an e-mail

click here for more information on
School of Tomorrow

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First Assembly of God Church in Clearlake, Ca