
ADOPTED 11/18/97
Nicknames: Sweet Boy, Big Eared Bunny
Age: 3 years...give or take.
Sex: Neutered male (8/19/97)
Foster Date: July 20, 1997 (Left at a veternarian because he was a biter).
Shelter: Rabbit Rescue 617.868.7467 and 617.492.2613
Breed: At least part Flemmish Giant (Big Bunny)
Color: Agouti with white underparts and tail.
Other Characteristics: Huge uppy-ears. An incrediable snuggle bunny, will lie for full body pets and tooth-purr until you're tired, and then he'll binkie away shaking the bees out of his ears.
Likes: All veggies, bananas, apples, timothy hay, climbing on top of anything/everything, and pets.



Jessica, love of Bromley's life, and my sweet Jessy-Bunny died Monday, April 20, 1998 of Hepatic Coccidiosis.
She was her old self on Saturday, stealing apple slices from Bromley, and shoving her way into the pellet bowl, and chasing Bromley around the house, and pooping up a storm. Saturday night she stopped eating. Nothing I could do, nor Bromley either, could convince her to continue fighting for her life. She went into seizures in the vet's office early Monday morning, and died as they were inserting an IV. She was spayed 3.5 weeks earlier, and that may account for enough stress to send her immune system into a tailspin.... then there was the ongoing problem of her diarrhea which was unsolved, and her heart problem. Sigh.
From the time when Jessy first came into our lives as a skin and bones foster bunny almost a year ago....until her last nudge for grooming from Bromley... she was an amazing bunny.
We miss her, terribly.

ADOPTED 03/29/98
Nicknames: Jessi-baby, JESSICA!!
Age: ....maybe 8-10 months.
Sex: Unspayed female
Foster Date: September 9, 1997 (From the Methuen Animal Shelter because her time was up).
Shelter: Rabbit Rescue 617.868.7467 and 617.492.2613
Breed: At least part Giant Chinchilla (Big Bunny)
Color: Grey with white underparts and tail.
Other Characteristics: Huge uppy-ears. Full of the dickens, and very fond of the dogs. Gets into everything. Loves to jump into your lap and steal bites of your bagel. Can hear the papaya bottle open from 2 rooms away!
Likes: Currently on a "hay only" diet to combat intermittent diarrehea, but she'll steal anything that you don't guard with your life. She loves climbing on top of anything/everything. She loves the dogs, and the three can often be found huddled together washing each other's faces.

Do you love me?
Bromley waits for Jessica

Moosh Bunny Duo
Bromley and Jessica have bonded, and if anything, are more snuggley than ever.

Chilling out!
Pa-Sha the Shih Tzu and Bromley the bunny rest between laps of the "Bunny 500".


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