The Main Feature...
Naturally, since this is my home page, my main interest is the main feature. So, on to the featured attraction -- Labrador Retriever dogs named Coda and Barrett, and my previous and very much loved labs named Faye (at the Rainbow Bridge) and Dezzie (also at the Rainbow Bridge). Click on "My Dogs" on the left to see pictures of the crew, and a bit about each of them - including their pedigrees and some photos.
Other Features...
Cooking - especially with Chocolate. I've been a serious chocoholic for a lot of years (but I have to watch myself since I am also a migrainer who triggers on dark chocolate in certain combinations).
I love to bake with chocolate -- most of my friends know that if I invite them over for dinner, dessert will be included but if I invite them over for dessert it means that I've been experimenting again... As a confessed chocoholic, I have web page with some of my favourite recipes and links to a couple of sites. If you want to try my recipes you are welcome. However, I don't want to hear the calorie counts, or any of the down sides to eating this stuff!
Science Fiction - my favourite authors change semi-regularly, although I have some long time favourite authors for whom I will watch for anything new... I have links on the left for a couple of these - this list may grow from time to time. One of the true joys of parenting has been introducing my son to some of my favourite authors, including the work of such authors as Larry Niven, Spider Robinson and Robert Heinlein. While I cannot say that his book collection is more extensive then my own I do have to watch that he returns the books he borrows (of course he has to watch me for the same reason).
Genealogy - My mother's traceable family tree in North America goes back to the late 1500's (in Port Royal, Nova Scotia). It was a lot of fun collecting the information, although we don't have it all yet! I'm working on getting some of it up in web pages but that takes time. I'll get there some day.
Crafts - I knit, sew, embroider and quilt, and have finally set up a couple of pages regarding same (including a pattern for a baby blanket of which I have knitted many for gifts!).
And I shouldn't forget... I do have some two footed family members too. My hubby is a scale model train enthusiast - use the trains link to see his some of his stuff. Beloved son and his fine young lady are now proud owners of their own home, with far too much to do to spend time mucking about with web pages so I have removed his links since he has taken his page off-line for the moment.
if you wish to talk dogs, model trains, family trees, chocolate, or craft type stuff. While we are not always the most prompt in responding to mail, we do usually get there!
This page was last updated in March 2007.