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Live news from around the world. Click on headline to go to the story.
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Links to other sites on the Web

News Networks

CNN Interactive
FOX News
ABC News
NBC News
CBS News
Yahoo-Reuters News

Entertainment Networks

Sony Online Entertainment news
City TV Entertainment news
Hollywood Online
Universal Studios
Paramount Pictures

British Newspapers

The British Media Review This is a review of the British media by the British Information Services of the British Embassy
The Times
The Sunday Times
The Financial Times
The Daily Telegraph
The Guardian
The Independent
The London Evening Standard
The London Free Press Mainly local news

US Newspapers

The Los Angeles Times
The New York Times Chargeable after 30 days
The International Herald Tribune
The Miami Herald
USA Today Mainly local news


The Vancouver Sun
The Ottawa Citizen
The NandoTimes
The Toronto Star Mainly local news
AsiaOne Newstand Newspapers from Singapore and other Asian countries

News Magazines

Time Links to Life, Fortune, Money, People and several other magazines
The Economist
Asia, Inc. Online

General Interest Magazines

National Geographic Online
Readers Digest World
PC Computing
Time Out

Ladies/Fashion Magazines


Entertainment Magazines

Mr. Showbiz
Premiere, a movie magazine (I believe)

For Car Magazines, please go to the Cars Page 

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