LaDawn Davis LaDawn Davis

Some of my writing:
My Image, His Countenance
Break Through
Wrestling with Angels

Below is a fun email I got from my sisters. To Fill Out this questionairre yourself click here

Name given at birth: LaDawn Elm
Nicknames: Rutebaga, LD
Favorite Word(s): Plethora, collision domain (makes me feel smart), and anything with a double meaning.
Hometown: Provo, Utah
Current Residence: Lompoc California
Croutons or Bacon Bits: Both!, and red onions please.
Favorite Salad Dressing: Vinegrette
Shampoo or Conditioner: Dove extra moisturizing
Have you ever gone skinny dipping: Do hot tubs count?
Do you make fun of people: Usually it's me that's the butt of the joke. I'd much rather twist your words to make you regret you even brought it up :o)
Favorite color: I asked my mom this once, and she said she loves all colors and that really bugged me because it made it very difficult to make a special picture for her. My answer is Blue.
Have you ever been convicted of a crime: No (speeding tickets don't count right?)
Have you ever committed a crime: And then made retribution at my own initiative. I was never very good at being bad :-)
One pillow or two, cotton or feather: Three pillows - cotton.
Pets: Not anymore. We had Budgies that ended in a murder-suicide after I got married. We had an outdoor cat named Polly that never came home a while back. Since the move to California, Petrie, another cat, has gone to live with Grandma. He is much much happier now.
Favorite type of music: 107.5 The End. The best morning DJ's on the planet. The best music of then and now ... lots of 80's remixes, but lots from new artists as well. The End Zone Acoustic recordings are AWESOME.
Hobbies: I like reading, movies, and have starting drawing lately. Check out
Toothpaste: Colgate Winterfresh Gel
Favorite Food: Restaurants, or anything that I don't have to cook or clean up. Usually I choose Los Hermanos or PF Changs. I didn't expect to miss the restaurants in Utah after moving to California. Provo really has some great places to eat and relatively good service most of the time.
Do you get along with your parents: No. For the most part I feel I didn't have parents. Mom died when I was seven years old. I fought endlessly with my grandparents when I was a kid. I'm grateful to have developed healthier relationships with them as an adult. I admire my grandparents very much.
Favorite town(s) to chill in: Sydney Australia.
Favorite Ice Cream: The kind that's cold
Favorite Drink (non Alcoholic): Brisa from Los Hermanos, Diablo Verde is a close second.
Adidas, Nike or Reebok: Nike, Just Do It appeals to me, but I don't spend money for labels
Favorite Perfume/Cologne: Jour by Mary Kay
Favorite Website: I love her magazine, I use the on-line journal. I check out regularly as well. I use google to find the answer to all my questions.
Favorite Subject(s) in School: English. I liked creative writing because it wasn't black and white, right and wrong.
Least Favorite Subject: P.E. It was a humiliating and excruciating experience that ruined the rest of the day. I'll always be grateful to The Wellness Center in Denver who put the fun back in exercise and introduced me to step aerobics.
Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Champagne
Favorite Sport to Watch: Anything my kids do, ice skating, gymnastics. And basketball when the Jazz make the playoffs. (Can you believe Karl Malone left??? hopefully he gets a title before he retires.)
Humiliating Moment: I was with my friend and a semi was making a right hand turn from the left lane when I didn't expect him to. I had to slam on my brakes so I wouldn't get smooshed. The adrenaline was still running and the guy behind me starts honking. I'm thinking, "Can't you see there's a semi in front of me?" and I flip him off. Then there's a tap on my bumper and I think he hit me. I jump out of the car screaming, "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He said, "You hit me." It took a second for that to process and my friend says to me, "I think you were rolling backwards" ... ok I'll just crawl back into the hole I climbed out of now ...
Craziest idea or silliest: That I would be a marine biologist.
What do you look for in the opposite sex: Intelligence, kindness, and introspective thoughts. Scott Peck, CS Lewis, John Gray types. Thankfully I'm married to one.
Say many nice things about the person who sent this informative email to you: Christine: She's been my support system. She came to define in my mind what it means to be cool. I used to want to protect her and am grateful I recognized that she's extremely strong on her own. She's intelligent, gorgeous, generous, etc. etc.

Renee: When Renee was little I said she was the peacemaker. She has grown up to be the hellraiser. She ensures that I have no blindly held opinions or values. She has little tolerance for stupidity and a heart of gold. She challenges assumptions and makes you see the world in a new and refreshing way. I love being around her and to my kids she's the tickle monster. She's a beautiful spirit, and I think an old sage from a previous life.
And as my personal ending note: Learn from the mistakes of others.
You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.

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