Addictions and Recovery Thoughts

Created September 6, 2000 for all those who seek freedom from the slavery of addiction.
This poem was written during a time of counseling a dear friend through the horror of having an addicted spouse. Since this time, that spouse is still in trouble but not harmful to the family anymore and my friend has grown leap years into a wonderful person!

Poetry expresses the soul's thoughts.

Addiction hurts the addicts family the most, and ultimately destroys an addicts life as they would have known it. With committment and true conviction to recover, recovery is possible and a full and rewarding life able to resume. Until the conviction takes place deep in the broken soul of the addict though, life simply consists of a roller coaster of lows sprinkled with a few highs periodically.
Consciously, most addicts choose life and recovery. Subconciously, though the addiction demands a life of hell on earth for the addict and their loved ones.
Ultimately, the choice is the addicts, only the addicts.

Devotion to the Addiction
written by Debbi

You're not devoted to God,
you're devoted to crack, alcohol and other drugs,
the enemy's tools.

You're not a devoted husband or wife,
you're a devoted crackhead, alcoholic and druggie.

You're not a devoted father or mother,
you're devoted to yourself.

You're not devoted to your recovery,
you're devoted to your addiction.

You're not devoted to honesty,
you're devoted to the BIG LIE
and nothing but lipservice to make your life easier!

You're not devoted to LOVE,
you're devoted to hatred,
Hatred for the gift of Life!

You're not devoted to Life,
you're devoted to death,
and only death comes from addictions.

Devotion to addiction will never lead
to devotions worthwhile.
And the choice is all yours....
Recovery or Addiction?

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful, he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

1 Cor 10:13 NIV

Wealth without Work
Pleasure without concience
Knowledge without character
Science without humanity
Commerce without morality
Worship without sacrifice
Politics without principle



This site is for all women who wish an online support-type group to enjoy and share their recovery with. Recovery is a life-long process and one that needs to be guarded jealously and protected at all times!
