This story is in memory of our Lucky Girl, who went to RAINBOW BRIDGE
January 23, 2003.

.................In April of 1991, a little 5 week old puppy, was left on a door step. Someone did care about her, because she was in a basket, and she had a blanket and a little stuffed toy. The people to whom she was delivered, had two other dogs, and two cats, and were unable to keep her. When I went to the bank one day, one of the tellers was talking about this cute little dog, that was left on her door step. I didn't think I was interested, for we had just lost our beloved beagle,'Peppy', who we had raised for 14 years. Well... the next day, I went and got her. What a cutey she was and of course it was instant love. We took her to the vet and had her checked all over. The vet said she was probally a wired haired dachshund, terrior mix. She certainly fit right into our family, as you will see.....You will also see why we called her......


"It was love at first sight"

"I love my new Mom. Love when she sits down, so I can sleep on her shoulders."

"My Mom said the KIDS are coming.

"WOW, do I love kids. Let's play Jess & Brandon"

"Another Kid. Don't squeeze me too tight, Andy"

"The kids wore me out. Time for a snooze"

"Lucky... what are you doing?..... I didn't do it Mom"

"Has anyone seen my blue sock?"..... "Not me Mom"


"I'll sit real still here, and everyone will think I'm made out of ceramic, just like my friends up on the mantle there. The big, black dachshund on the left is Maxie. He lived here 14 years, before I came here. Peppy is the big one on the right. Peppy was their beagle 'baby' for 14 years, before I got here. Of course, I'M THE BEST ONE OF ALL. They call me their PRETTIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD"

"Hey.... who turned out the lights..All I want is a potato chip."

"Just resting here, being a good girl for a minute.

"I'm playing in Ohio with Becky & Jess. Wish I would have brought "MY" stuffed animals,too."


"The Ohio kids are visiting me. This is Gary giving me hugs"

"Lucky, leave Becky alone while she's eating."...."But Mom, she might want to share."

"Are you saving me some, Becky?"

"I'll just get out front here, since we're getting our picture taken."

Here's some kisses Mom. "Lucky, aren't you getting too big for this.""GET DOWNNNN"

"I have my Dad wrapped right around my little paw."

On May 19, 1998, my Mom & Daddy bought a cottage in the mountains.
Now, I have 2 acres to run in.
I'm happier than I've ever been.

Here I am relaxing on our back deck

I love chasing the bunnies, chipmunks, squirrels, & birds.
Now where did that gray squirrel go?

I am so afraid of thunder, firecrackers, & loud noises.
I tried to hide one day, when it was starting to storm.
My Mom took this picture of me trying to hide, out on the front porch.
She said, I am such a silly girl.

We will always wonder ??"WHY"?? those people put our 'Lucky Girl' on that porch, but if they wouldn't have, we would have never found her. We wish we could tell them "Thank You", and that she is okay. She has a life better then a lot of little kids in this world. A life full of love & family.

"And here I am, 7 years later.
Beautiful, aren't I?
I am indeed a "Lucky Girl"

And now she is at RAINBOW BRIDGE

So nice of you to visit. Please take time to sign my guestbook

Please come back again soon!!

Our "Lucky Girls Story Page", has received an award."
Click on 'The Shaman's Award' above to go meet Shaman."

And another SPECIAL AWARD, from two cuties.
Click on 'MISHA & APRIL'S AWARD'to see more pictures of Misha & April
April and Lucky have similar stories. April was also abandoned. Don't they look alot alike?
Misha & April have put Lucky Girl on their friends page. Go see.



"Thank You Geocities for letting MY family be a member of YOUR family!!"