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"So this is love, as demanding and nourishing and as difficult as it can be, and as strong and as wise as it makes you become. There are rewards for staying when you would rather leave. And so you let love come perch apon your shoulder and you do not turn it away. You do the tango."

Dear Maria
I sit here and wonder what to write. The only thing that comes to my mind is how much I miss you. I miss your smile and to be able to wrap my arms around you. I miss all the good times we used to have together. I miss being able to talk to you like before. I feel so lost and confused and there are times when I want to close my self off from the rest off the world and be with you....talk to you.

You were my life line by never wanting to give up, no matter what. I know I teased you because of your way to deal with problems in your life. Now I am trying to make my life better by using your way. I know, my life could be worse