Music Makes the Difference

Hope everyone is well and singing.

Let Us All Sing!

Click Here for a Sing-along.

Come and visit the Bunny Band. They sing and play various instruments.

Here are some musical links that I found interesting


This is us the Harborlites. We practice in Huntington Beach, California.

Be sure to check out Sweet Adelines homepage.

And besure to check out our male counterpart SPEBQSA

Interview With Cookie Monster

Where I Work Please Sign the register

How To Sing The Blues

Mr. Note's Finale Game

Balinese Gamelan

Charlie Charlie Horse Music Pizza

Articles on singing

A Capella

SingOut Magazine

A Fun Karaoke Page

Song Lyrics

Music and Science Articles

How To Make A Violin

Interview with Guitar Maker

A New Musical Language

Tim's Page with Violin Stuff

Loose Screws

Frog Songs

Ear Guitar

Childrens Music Web

Best Unsigned Bands Competition

Country Spotlight

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