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This page last updated September 14, 1997!

You are the to visit this site since July 1997!

The song playing is "Always" because my
family will love me forever and always!

Click above to
hear Boomer speak!

Click here to page me!

Boomer's Web Site Index

Boomer's Dog House: My home page
Photo Album: Dig your way into my photo album and be sure
to crawl in here often as the picture's will change often.
The Yorkshire Terrier: Yorkie information
Leave your MARK on my site!
Check out all the wonderful friends
that took the time to sign my guestbook! Thanks everyone!
My web site awards! I only applied for one
award and will no longer apply for awards - they mean more to me
when they are given to me by surprise.
Do you have a web site with your pet on it? Then please come and
join the pampered pets ring - for the truly spoiled pet and it's not just for canines!
Lot's of Pampered Pets Ring logo's can be found here -
check back often because this will grow more and more!
Yorkie Links
E-mail Me
Mike's Bowling World
Renae's Toy Box
Amy's Country Home