One of my hobbies is web designing. It's something I really enjoy doing, and have plenty of time for it now. I'd like to get experience designing web pages for free. If you want to learn to design with Paint Shop Pro, check out my Paint Shop Pro Page. I also just made a few PSP Tutorials, check them out and let me know how they are.
If you'd like a web page, or want a new design on the one you have, please Email Me and I can design a web page for you. It can be a genealogy page, or just a personal page. If you want a page, first think about the color and design that you think would be nice, and let me know so I can see if I can make a design that you'll like. Or if you see a page on the net that you think is cool, send me the url and I can see if I can do one like that. All free, of course. I am overseas now and have a lot of time on my hands at home, and could use the experience of designing pages for others. I can only design so many pages for myself!
So drop me a line soon and we can discuss a web design for your page. What are you waiting for? Don't be the last person to not have a web page! I'm waiting to hear from you.