Updated July 16, 2001

Listing of Michigan Search/Support Groups - Researchers - Searchers

Information on The Adoption Identity Movement of Michigan

These sites may have links to other web sites that may provide useful information, and are updated frequently.

This page is designed with the person who is touched by adoption in Michigan From this site you can subscribe to the MichiganSearching mail List. This list is specifically for those who are touched by adoption in Michigan. A wonderful group of very helpful people who will help you with your search

Reclaiming My Roots Registry Database - entries by ADOPTEE's date of birth - This site also has wonderful links.

Find Me - A fantastic registry site - Date of birth search.

Find Me Michigan - A Registry for Michigan Searches Register by date of birth.

Bastard Nation Site created by and for adoptees.

KKay's Adoption Corner
A page with over 200 links to numerous adoption and genealogy pages, as well as several search pages and various registries.

A.I.M.L. A.I.M.L.'s Adoption Search Links, Mailing List.

Flip's Search Resources Information on Internet, Post Office, Military, Prisons, Genealogy, etc.

Canadopt Information relating to Canadian issues in adoption-related searches

| Canadian Adoption Info and Links|
| Adoption Bulletin Board|
| Birthquest|
| Adoptees Searching|
| Adoptee's Searching|
| Adoption Center|
| Adoptlink|

Adoption Resources Jeff Hartung's Adoption Search Resource List

Laws - Adoption Records Summary of State laws respecting access to adoption records of information.

| Adoption Information - gopher| | Adoption Connection | Adoptee Resources | Adoption Puzzle Pieces | Home Page for Adoptees|

"The Definitive Adoption Links Page." Very comprehensive list of adoption links.

The Awesome Lists Links to all kinds of information sources, including directories.

Adoption Web Ring. Allows you to automatically move from adoption-related site to site. You can limit your criteria by person (adoptee/adoptive parent/birthparent) or subject (search/support/activism).

New adoption source.

Search by State - Search Capability Very comprehensive.

LINC ONLINE Reunion Registry

International Soundex Reunion Registry

Adoption Information

American Adoption Congress

This Heartland Adoption Ringsite is owned by
Lynn Gipson.

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Heartland Adoption Ring?
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Please come back as I will be making many changes in the future.

If you have any additions or corrections please leave e-mail for Lynn.

A Listing of Support Groups In Michigan that serve the adoption triad

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