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Stovers in History

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Biographies printed in the old county histories can be a great source of clues to our ancestors. Here is a list of the Stover biographical sketches that I know about. This page will be continually updated as more information is submitted. If you know of another printed biography of one of our Stovers, please contact me.

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Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson, and Clarion, J H Beers & Co, Chicago, 1898

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History of Cole, Moniteau, Morgan, Benton, Miller, Maries, and Osage Counties, Missouri, 1889

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History of Plumas, Lassen and Sierra Counties [California], 1882

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History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sierras, by James Miller Guinn, 1906

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History of Green County, Wisconsin, 1884

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Biographical Directory of the American Congress 1774-1949, USGPO, 1950

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Portrait and Biographical Record of Berrien and Cass Counties [Michigan], 1893

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Please send all comments,
corrections, and suggestions
to Pat Stover Fair

Updated 14 August 2002

© 1997-2002 Patricia Stover Fair

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