
Here I am, Mom, at one of my usual leisurely lunches, har har. Believe that, and I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn you might like to buy too! (Moms know what I mean.) In my other life I was a programmer, but at the moment I am very busy taking care of other little lives. My usual form of entertainment is books, books, web manuals, and books, but I dabble in music and stereo photography a bit, too. Suzanne & Nicholas
Christopher Christopher at 4 years old, is already quite the computer hacker. He navigates Windows 95 like a champ, and has his own folder on the desktop, which he'll open up, stare at 30 almost identical midi icons of music we've collected off the web, and pick exactly the one he wants. You'd think the kid could read or something.
Theresa is our second grader, and has been quite a prolific artist all her life. We believe she is quite talented, and have some of her work framed and hanging on the wall. She is always making something, and seems to invent new art forms on a daily basis. I am glad that in a home schooling environment, she has the time to develop this talent. Just like many other grade schoolers, she complains when it's homework time, then she does very well on it anyway. She's kept Mom & Dad hopping for years trying to keep a step ahead of her. In June she had her 2nd annual ballet recital, which you can see right here in Theresa's pages! Theresa

Nicholas Nicholas, our youngest, was born the same month we went online (November '96), and when friends would ask if the baby was keeping us up at night, we'd say, "No! It's the computer!" He loves to be part of the action whenever his brother and sister are playing, is getting pretty quick at keeping up with them, and is just on the verge of walking. (Gotta update this picture, but it's so cute!!) He's got an adorable gap-tooth grin, and he just loves to reach for any part of the computer: the keyboard, the mouse, the pretty green-lit reset button :-)

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